Author Topic: 'I Need Advice'- the Return!  (Read 6505 times)


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'I Need Advice'- the Return!
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2003, 07:39:11 am »
Yeah, you're totally right Andrew.

I think it was poorly worded on my part. I guess I was trying to say that it's not an easy thing to do and you never know how the circumstances will turn out for you. So even if it doesn't happen (for whatever reason) it's not the end of the world and you shouldn't feel too bad or that you've blown your last chance. It may not be the best way to motivate yourself, but too much pressure is rarely a good thing.

That said, I'm not disagreeing with Andrew. If you want it to happen, now is the time. Putting stuff off isn't a good idea (*speaks from experience* :-\). I have to say I'm probably the worlds worst for enabling :? And it's not a good way to live. lol



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'I Need Advice'- the Return!
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2003, 08:09:13 am »
Thankyou so much everyone. I am so fickle: i'm really not in a good mood with him: he only got tickets today and hasn't told me what time he's picking me up. We had also fixed to do sth together today and we never fixed a time, then rach saw him in town and i txted him asking if he wanted to meet up for lunch. I wouldn't mind if he couldn't but he hasn't replied in 4 BLOODY HOURS!!

lol, anyway thankyou so much for your advice: i will repeat it regularly in my head the whole time, lmao. But i'm still so scared! lol
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'I Need Advice'- the Return!
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2003, 08:18:13 am »
rosie darling you will be fine
we all know how lovely you are, and how adam should thank his lucky stars you are even going with him. i'm glad i refrained from hitting him when you told me of all his silly antics (that boy does try a Nessa Crush Chums patience!!)
But don't worry. Things will turn out the way they are meant to. eugh that sounded really awful and totally unhelpful, but...if the moment is right, go for it. you won't regret it either way, because whatever happens you will find out the way he feels. no games, and no silly tricks.
But alas crush chum, i know he likes you one hell of a lot, cause you're great, and quite frankly i think that mr adam will be one lucky boy tomorrow night.
Have fun, enjoy yourself, and don't worry!


and don't forget to take plenty of pics! we all wanna see you looking swanky!! :lol:

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'I Need Advice'- the Return!
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2003, 10:08:21 am »
Quote from: "kev222"
I guess I was trying to say that it's not an easy thing to do and you never know how the circumstances will turn out for you. So even if it doesn't happen (for whatever reason) it's not the end of the world and you shouldn't feel too bad or that you've blown your last chance.

Agreed.  Cause it's not the end of the world to miss out on a date.  But it's also not ok to do it cause you're scared.
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'I Need Advice'- the Return!
« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2003, 05:53:57 pm »
ok...At the end of the night, the "may I come in and use your bathroom?" phrase works like a charm! It's worked for me on a few notable occasions!


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'I Need Advice'- the Return!
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2003, 06:18:09 pm »
go for it, girl! what have you got to lose?  nothing. If he hasn't made a move, sit him down, look him straight in the eye and say "dude, I like you, and I want to go out with you, and if you have half a brain you'll say yes."  :wink: ....or something along those lines.


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'I Need Advice'- the Return!
« Reply #21 on: June 28, 2003, 06:25:38 am »
Quote from: "gemmapaintsitblack"
(that boy does try a Nessa Crush Chums patience!!)

Couldn't agree more!! *sigh*

So... Rosie Rosie where are you?? We NEED to know what happened!  :wink:

there's only four seasons
and this one's almost gone
these nights feel so good
but this one's almost gone