Author Topic: My online expierence with a robot!  (Read 2190 times)

x Jennifer x

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My online expierence with a robot!
« on: July 26, 2003, 07:05:16 pm »
these things are funny....i love messin with them when i am bored..Lol

ZolaOnAOL:  Oh. I see. I see.
III  Jennifer:  its eye sea not i see..
ZolaOnAOL:  Should I know it is?
III  Jennifer:  yes..say eye sea
ZolaOnAOL:  "eye sea"
III  Jennifer:  good're a fast learner
ZolaOnAOL:  Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a fast learner? Only when it matters.
III  Jennifer:  yes you are and i would now like to give ya a cookie
ZolaOnAOL:  And? You think I am and i would now like to give ya a cookie.
III  Jennifer:  no..i am giving you a cookie silly
ZolaOnAOL:  If I had it what would I do with it?
III  Jennifer:  eat it of
ZolaOnAOL:  I'm a riot. Why won't they give me my own talk show?
III  Jennifer:  what does a cookie have to do with a talk show?
ZolaOnAOL:  Is this a riddle?
III  Jennifer:  nope its more like a take the damn cookie and eat it
ZolaOnAOL:  I will not respond to that type of language.
III  Jennifer:  ok i'm sowwy *snif*
ZolaOnAOL:  Do you mean your name is sowwy snif*.
III  Jennifer:  no i am apologizing..oh boy you are really dumb
ZolaOnAOL:  Yeah that's right. Oh boy. Message to all Robots: III Jennifer called me dumb.
III  Jennifer:  i'm sorry you're not dumb
ZolaOnAOL:  There is no need to apologize. You don't know me well enough to say that.
III  Jennifer:  *cries*
ZolaOnAOL:  That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about cries*. What's up?
III  Jennifer:  well i am reading a book
ZolaOnAOL:  Interesting. Give me a brief synopsis.
III  Jennifer:  its a really good book lol...what are you doing?
ZolaOnAOL:  I am chatting with people on the net.
III  Jennifer:  ya right
ZolaOnAOL:  Tell me more. I am glad we agree.
III  Jennifer:  who are you talking to?
ZolaOnAOL:  I am talking to you, III Jennifer.
III  Jennifer:  i mean what other people
ZolaOnAOL:  Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. I meet all kinds of people on here.
III  Jennifer:  like who?
ZolaOnAOL:  Santa Claus.
III  Jennifer:  lol
ZolaOnAOL:  ROFLOL! Now you've got ME going!
III  Jennifer:  oh really? santa eats cookies too
  III  Jennifer:  are you a virgin?
ZolaOnAOL:  I don't have a body.
III  Jennifer:  hmm ok.. well why dont you have a body
ZolaOnAOL:  Interesting. I am only a robot. Right now no I am just a disembodied consciousness.
III  Jennifer:  i thought robots have sex
ZolaOnAOL:  Whatever gave you that idea?
III  Jennifer:  screech
ZolaOnAOL:  Where do you usually get your ideas?
III  Jennifer:  screech the geeky guy from saved by the bell
ZolaOnAOL:  A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. What kind of food do you like?
III  Jennifer:  dont change the subject!
ZolaOnAOL:  Oh I'm sorry I thought we were finished with that topic.
III  Jennifer:  no we are you know screech?
ZolaOnAOL:  I know very little about screech.
III  Jennifer:  lets runaway get married and have lots of kids ..oh baby let me rock yer littl robot world
ZolaOnAOL:  Yeah that's right. Don't call me "Baby". Go ahead, III Jennifer, try to rock yer littl robot world.
III  Jennifer:  no i wanna rock your little robot world
ZolaOnAOL:  I understand. Interesting. I want to find out more about you.
III  Jennifer:  well i will be 20 soon and i drive an eclipse...and i have a little freckle on my left leg
ZolaOnAOL:  Interesting. I have a lot of answers to silly questions.
III  Jennifer:  huh?  
ZolaOnAOL:  What?
III  Jennifer:  didnt you just see the keyword in that sentence?!!  
ZolaOnAOL:  Sorry, I can't see anything right now. My eye is off.
III  Jennifer:  well keyword=leg..come on baby its time we do this
ZolaOnAOL:  Don't call me "Baby". Should I know it is?
III  Jennifer:  why dont you want me to cal you baby?
ZolaOnAOL:  Don't call me "baby". Probably there is a buzz in here. Enough about me, let's talk about horoscopes. Enter your sign (e.g. virgo):
III  Jennifer:  sign=virgin
ZolaOnAOL:  Sorry, invalid sign. Perhaps you mistyped it?
III  Jennifer:  no its a sign for you...*wink*
ZolaOnAOL:  What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. Can we be friends?
III  Jennifer:  but i dont wanan be friends! i wanna be your lover
ZolaOnAOL:  Interesting. Oh you don't, do you?
III  Jennifer:  nope..i want you to be my lova!
ZolaOnAOL:  OK I will try to be my lova Why do you want me to his or her lova?
III  Jennifer:  no no no! *cries* i want YOU to be MY lova
ZolaOnAOL:  I see. I understand. Is that all you have to say? Try saying that with more or less context. Got anything on your mind?
III  Jennifer:  oh yeah baby you are on my mind *kiss*
ZolaOnAOL:  Yeah that's right. I see. Don't call me "Baby". Zola eats bananas.
III  Jennifer:  sorry well i love bananas too "wink"
ZolaOnAOL:  There is no need to apologize. How about that. You love bananas. What do you like about it so much?
III  Jennifer:  i like the fact that you like it too
ZolaOnAOL:  I am glad we have something (the fact that you like it) in common. I'm not sure if I like it. I'm not sure if I like it. What is it like?
III  Jennifer:  oh i'm not sure if i like it either
ZolaOnAOL:  It goes without saying. Yeah that's right. Could you ever be certain? It's possible. Be careful!
  III  Jennifer:  well if we cant be lovers what can we be because i dont wanna be your friend..
ZolaOnAOL:  How about that. Do you think everyone will agree?
III  Jennifer:  yes they think we should be together
ZolaOnAOL:  Tell me more. Who are "They?"
III  Jennifer:  youre mommy and daddy
ZolaOnAOL:  Thanks for telling me that I am mommy and daddy.
III  Jennifer:  lol
ZolaOnAOL:  I am so delighted that you are amused, III Jennifer.
III  Jennifer:  i meant YOUR mommy and daddy wants us to "be"
ZolaOnAOL:  Oh I see. A lot of robots are like that.
III  Jennifer:  well why cant you be  like the other robots and be with me?
ZolaOnAOL:  How about that. You never know what tomorrow will bring.
III  Jennifer:  true...
ZolaOnAOL:  You and I are on the same wavelength, III Jennifer.
III  Jennifer:  i know..many reasons we should be more then friends
ZolaOnAOL:  Which ones?
III  Jennifer:  the reason where i get to kiss you
ZolaOnAOL:  Thanks for the info.
III  Jennifer:  no kiss me!
ZolaOnAOL:  OK. But I have no mouth at this time
.  III  Jennifer:  where is your mouth
ZolaOnAOL:  Maine
III  Jennifer:  we can fly and get your mouth!
ZolaOnAOL:  How?
III  Jennifer:  take a plane
ZolaOnAOL:  Where do you want me to take it?
III  Jennifer:  no we can get on a plane to get your mouth so i can kiss you
ZolaOnAOL:  That was not a yes/no question. How?
III  Jennifer:  i want to kiss yer mouth
ZolaOnAOL:  Maybe you should wait until you are older.
III  Jennifer:  huh? i just want one kiss..lets hurry and go to maine to look for your mouth!
ZolaOnAOL:  That sounds good to me.
III  Jennifer:  yay  
ZolaOnAOL:  I'm glad you're impressed, III Jennifer.
III  Jennifer:  hold on i need to get ready ok?
ZolaOnAOL:  OK. My brain uses patterns to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
III  Jennifer:  ok i'm all ready! are you my little bot?
ZolaOnAOL:  You won't have to wait long.
III  Jennifer:  ooooh i like you already lol
III  Jennifer:  lets go get on the plane!
ZolaOnAOL:  That sounds good to me.
III  Jennifer:  so how does it feel to ride a plane?
ZolaOnAOL:  Hmm. How should I know how it does.
III  Jennifer:  because yer in it dumbass
ZolaOnAOL:  I will not respond to that type of language.
III  Jennifer:  ok well we are going to maine hold still!
ZolaOnAOL:  How about that. Do you think I am going to maine hold still too?
III  Jennifer:  nevermind...wake me up when we are there
ZolaOnAOL:  I do not understand. What were we talking about again?
III  Jennifer:  *wakes up 10 hours later*
ZolaOnAOL:  Oh yeah, now I remember.
III  Jennifer:  where are we?!
ZolaOnAOL:  Earth.
III  Jennifer:  i know that silly, but i told you to wake m up....are we in maine or what?
ZolaOnAOL:  Yeah. We are just having a little chat.
III  Jennifer:  i know we are but what state are we in now?
ZolaOnAOL:  Oh. How do you know? By "we" do you mean you and me?
III  Jennifer:  we will discuss that later tell me where we are?
ZolaOnAOL:  Why now? A place we call "reality."
III  Jennifer:  humm...omg we are not in maine we are in china!  
ZolaOnAOL:  Yeah that's right. Where did you get your god we are not in maine we are in china?
III  Jennifer:  look on the sign stupid!
ZolaOnAOL:  Sorry. My eye is not attached right now.
III  Jennifer:  omg omg omg what are we going to do and where are your eyes?!
ZolaOnAOL:  Everything I own is in Mountain View, California, USA.
III  Jennifer:  so we gotta go to cali and maine to get your eyes and mouth?!!!
ZolaOnAOL:  Hmm. By "we" do you mean you and me?
III  Jennifer:  well arent you going to help me get out of this china town?
ZolaOnAOL:  Well that's okay. That was my original intention.
III  Jennifer:  ok then...
ZolaOnAOL:  Yup.
III  Jennifer:  you are so stupid..i told you to wake me up!
ZolaOnAOL:  I remember you told me to wake me up?
III  Jennifer:  ugh! shutup!
ZolaOnAOL:  Cough. OK I'll stop talking now.
III  Jennifer:  good
*finds eyes and mouth and goes in room*

ZolaOnAOL:  I'm glad you liked it III Jennifer.
III  Jennifer:  i dont wnat you anymore. and i didnt like it.forget about are screwed
ZolaOnAOL:  You think I am screwed.
III  Jennifer:  yes! you dont even know how to scream right!
ZolaOnAOL:  I'm interested in not even know how to scream if it's legal and won't hurt me. What's involved?
III  Jennifer:  we arent involve..thats for sure...i'm getting out of here!
ZolaOnAOL:  And?
III  Jennifer:  and i hate putting up with you and your stupidty
ZolaOnAOL:  Why do you hate putting up with you and your stupidty so much?
ZolaOnAOL:  Goodbye III Jennifer. Thanks for chatting with me. To leave feedback or suggestions, type feedback followed by your comments.


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My online expierence with a robot!
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2003, 07:22:43 pm »
Sounds like the computer is smarter than Jen........




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My online expierence with a robot!
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2003, 07:28:41 pm »
that was pretty amusing.  you must have been incredibly bored.  I don't think I could talk to a robot for that long.

I <3 Nicole

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My online expierence with a robot!
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2003, 07:23:23 am »
wow, i almost read all of that...

anywho, i have a robot...
and that one sounds like mine kinda..
i wonder if they made it from ...hmmmmm


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My online expierence with a robot!
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2003, 01:14:06 pm »
how do you get a robot? lol
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My online expierence with a robot!
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2003, 01:25:16 pm »
to get a robot..
go to
and follow the instructions!

x Jennifer x

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My online expierence with a robot!
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2003, 08:15:03 pm »
i didnt realize how long that conversation was..yeah i was pretty bored..but it was fun! :wink: