The Confederate flag has never been an issue among my family. You'll always see one flying at our house on all Confederate holidays. To us, slavery isn't even thought of when we raise the flag. We think of our unique history and our ancestors who went forth and stood up against a government that was taxing us, telling us what we could and couldn't do, and not providing for us proportionately. I don't pretend to believe that the South shall rise again, but it shall never be forgotten, regardless of who designs the flags.
Myself, it doesn't matter to me which design they choose as long as it does have a prominent Confederate influence, whether it be by including the Battle Flag or elements from the Stars and Bars. I wasn't at all disappointed to see the pre-1956 flag in temporary use again while the legislature discussed the issue in 2001. I even like the current temporary design, with its red and white bars and 13 stars. I do want to see the people vote and I want their opinion to matter. But no more Denny's placemat flags!
For reference, the First Confederate National Flag, called the "Stars and Bars":