Author Topic: The Hell Like First Day Of School  (Read 5994 times)


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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2003, 04:03:04 pm »
Ceral Placement

Just kidding

I don't know what it stands for, but it just is like a harder honors class...

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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2003, 04:10:02 pm »
oh we get honors and AP (advanced placement)


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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2003, 05:31:54 pm »
ditto as my hoo hoo


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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2003, 05:32:30 pm »
oh and my guess is that CP means College Prep


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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2003, 09:06:56 am »
Quote from: "Ms.Redd"
oh and my guess is that CP means College Prep

yea thats it!

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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2003, 09:37:47 am »
dm!  :cry:  im so sorry about everything.  hang in there though okay? and if ever you needta talk, you know you got me :wink:  i hope you're doing as well as possible.... much <3 to ya darling
.She'd do anything to sparkle in his eye.


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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #21 on: August 27, 2003, 12:05:31 pm »
yea, I went back because I might be getting the classes I NEED, cause my mom yelled at them, hehe!

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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2003, 12:57:40 pm »
good! :lol:  im really glad
.She'd do anything to sparkle in his eye.


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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #23 on: August 28, 2003, 11:17:36 am »
yeah, I didn't go today though....I was too tired....hehe!

Anyways, I did something yesterday, I love to do just to make the "preps" feel stupid, well atleast one of them.

Cause really, I am good friends with loads of people, cause alot of people don't steriotype, but a few do.

So we were in Algebra 2, and the very queer teacher guy was yaking on about some story when he was in high school, and he was talking about some other kid too, and I said "well if I was that kid, I would have beat "Livingston's" ass! And people laughed, and I think he heard me, so I remained quiet for a while, and then when the bell rang, and we were supposed to go to lunch, (they have 3rd period divided into 3 parts for certain classes to go to lunch each time) and so most classes are leaving, but he made us wait for the bell that was 5 minutes later, and so someone said I will give you $5 if you let us go now! And he said "I cannot be bribbed" and I said, "Stupid dickhead, were supposed to be going now anyways" and I just kept making comments about the teacher being gay, and stuff and making everyone laugh, and he would start laughing not even knowing what we were laughing about...And so then I got out a piece of gum, and offered it to the one prep dude, (he gave us a seating chart, so I was next to one of them) and so he took it, it's funny though how anyone will be nice, after they realise I'm a nice person...hehe!

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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2003, 08:59:08 am »
yeah, I am at school right now, and getting in trouble everyday...haha

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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2003, 01:47:14 pm »
ugh sorry to hear about your first day. give the preps hell is what i say....and by preps i don't mean the people that dress nice, because if i went by that definition then i guess i'd be considered one too. i mean the people who think they're Rodeo Drive's prime pick and don't give us "C Class" people a chance. Or just ignore them when they make ignorant comments, because all they want is a reaction out of you. if you act like they're not there, they'll eventually give up. it might take a while, but sooner or later they'll stop bothering you.

so yes, i hope that everything goes well for you from now on....thank God i'm a senior and all of this will be over in exactly 179 days. (not including weekends)


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The Hell Like First Day Of School
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2003, 01:56:54 pm »
First two weeks of school in journal type fashion:

Monday [08.25.03] The first day of school, I got my LP shirt on (Meteora/Delta shirt) and I'm ready for haters...I had horribly sucky classes, and no one said anything about LP...Except these "preppy" people who were a few roes ahead of me in 3rd started talking about me, cause one of them said something and then the others looked obvious...haha. And I call them preps cause at my school people LIKE to be classified..."Rednecks" <-- There are alot of those, "Preps" "Goths" "Stoners" "Smart People" "Dumbasses" I fall under 3 of those...

Tuesday [08.26.03] I decided to wear the Good Charlotte shirt I got when Tiffany MADE me go to the concert with her...My classes were supposed to be switched but the guidance counselors are SLOW! So I skipped last period and hung out in the school library and posted on the LPU board and stuff like that...

Wednesday [08.27.03] Stayed in bed, cause school sucks.

Thursday [08.28.03] Went back to school, had one class changed, but it didn't help much. I had on my LPU shirt I think...Skipped last period again, went into the bathroom to take a dump, I was looking at the walls and on one side it was a painted over brick wall, the bigger cube-like bricks...So I pulled out a red sharpie and instead of ruining a pen and scrapping something into the wall I made a big red square and wrote LP in it with the backwards P and then wrote ROCKS! I took a picture of it with a film camera and so when I get it developed I will scan it at school and post it!

Friday [08.29.03] Had another class changed, went to 3rd period which is math and began making jokes about the teacher...Got early dismisal half way through that class...

Sunday [08.31.03] I was sitting at home and someone called me and it turned out being this really annoying kid from school who always calls me and thinks were best friends...And so he was like "I was listening to Meteora and it brought out my gothic side" and this kid is like super-prep, so I just kinda TRIED AND TRIED to get off the phone....but he was persistanly annoying. And so he just kept telling me about how he listen to that CD and was getting on my'll hear more about this kid on friday...

Monday [09.01.03] Holiday (Labor Day)

Tuesday [09.02.03] Continued making jokes about the 3rd period teacher "Mr. Livingston" and then started making jokes about myself, because I started making friends with the 5-6 out of 30 people in there who weren't already my friend...So since this is my 4th year in high school and I am "classified" as a sophomore I didn't care too much about it...

Wednesday [09.03.03]
Slept in late, and went in about 10:00.
Had all my classes that needed to be changed, changed. So I had PE, History, Math, Newspaper/Leadership (4th period is a year long class, we are on block schedule, and so 4th goes through the year.)
That day I had newspaper and I was talking to this "preppy" kid who I didn't get along with too well last year, but oh well. So suddanly he looked at my LP shirt, and said "SOMEWHERE I BELONG" and I said, "You like them?" And he said "yeah they rock!" It was funny cause in february which was last school year, he was trying to get my to buy CDs like 50 Cent, Fabolous, and rap people's CDs like them, and he had this list of them, he told me he burned their CDs to make money...Which yes is illegal, so I said, Well are you gonna get LP's Cd when it comes out in March and burn it, I HAD NO INTENTION TO BUY IT FROM HIM. I wanted to see if he was, and if he would have, I would have reported him...Just because I can't let him hurt LPs record sales...haha, but now he likes them, and he said he like Trapt too. I pulled out my CDs and showed him my massive collection, and he seemed impressed, but who knows.

I was sitting there in newspaper after talking to that kid and the advisor's husband works for "The Greenville News" and so I was just looking at her shelf of old newspapers and right on top I see the USA Weekend or Today issue with LP on the front, and I almost crapped my pants. I grabbed it and asked her if I could have it, because when it came out I couldn't find a copy of it anywhere! So she said she loved the article on LP in there and I could have it as soon as she was done reading it...

Thursday [09.04.03] Wore my LPU shirt again, and I was sitting in second period, "US History HONORS" That's like my first honors class EVER! So the bell rang and class began, and the teacher who is really cool, "Mr. Bell" was just about to start talking and suddanly "GIVE ME MORE!" And some uhh uhhhh sounds were coming from the other side of the room, and this girls key chain was making sexual noises and so on...So he said what is that, and off course no one wanted to say what it really was making noises of, but this one girl just blurts out "It's and orgasm machine!" And he just started laughing and laughing and right when they got that thing turned off, the fire alarm went off, and we were walking to the door and this one teacher was in front of me and Katie...Katie had the keychain and she held it on the behind the teachers back and to the side, and it started repeating what it had done earlier in class, and she turned around and looked at us and said well what was that? And Katie just said "uhhhhhh" and she looked at me and I said, "uhhhh fire-extinguisher!" since we were having a fire drill and we went out and were standing there while they made sure we did the whole fire drill thing right, and of course my class did, and Katie and I kept messing with that thing, and it was crazy.
     So we get back into the class room and the teacher was still laughing about the whole thing, and he had been teaching us about "Reconstruction" and so I said, alright back to "Reproduction" and he kept laughing and we almost didn't have class cause we kept making mention about the keychain and getting him laughing...

SO LP WISE....In 3rd period, I kept making fun of the teacher and myself and this kid I know, Chris, was wearing an AFI shirt, and I asked him if he liked LP and he said yeah remember last year...And he reminded me of last year when we watched the "Somewhere I Belong" video in english class....haha....If you'd like to hear that story from last year then contact me and I will tell you....So other than that I just kept telling jokes and stuff to the preppy people, and the teacher guy said something about an exam that the state was gonna make us take and every school has to do it, and if you don't pass it then you don't pass that, then you fail the class, and I said, "well what if your teacher doesn't teach everything"? and he said, well I guess you don't pass. And so I turned to the right side of the class, I sit in the middle, middle, and I said "School gets more and more fucked up everyday." And then I realised I had said that pretty loud, and no one else was talking not even the teacher...And I everyone on that side was laughing and I turned and looked and the teacher was just standing there...So I didn't get a referal suprise suprise!

Friday [08.05.03]
I got into 2nd period and not too much happened I made more jokes about the keychain from yesterday....but then the class was over and I went to 3rd. I continued making fun of the teacher....god I'm gonna burn in hell. And so I decided to ask the preppy kid next too me if he like LP and he said "Didn't they sing 'In The End'?" And I said yeah, and he said he liked that song until it got overplayed...Imagine that....haha
Later that teacher started talking about when he teached at a different high school and these girls who weren't allowed to use calculaters on their final exams snuck them in and then they had them on their laps and when the teacher came around they put them between their legs and closed their legs...I just turned to my audience on the right and said "those dirrty little sluts!" and everyone was laughing and going on and on, and then in 4th period...

I Sit at this table in the back since they ran out of desks and the computer is on the table too and on the side it has the holes to prevent the thing from over-heating...So I just wrote LP on the indentions and it looked really cool! And so this kid asked me why I had my finger nails painted black, and I said..."Does it matter?"

When I was walking from 4th period to leave, that kid who called me on sunday yelled "HEY DANIEL" and I looked and he gave me a rock on sign and I just looked at him weird and kept walking...

Later that night we had a home football game and when I was getting ready I couldn't decided rather to wear my LP Meteora shirt of the high school shirt....So I wore the LP shirt. And I was standing around talking to people and one being Tiffany, the girl who MADE me go to Good Charlotte with her, and her brother walked up....And he looked at my shirt, and he said "Nice shirt man!" And his friend who was with him, who I played basketball with earlier that day looked at my shirt too, and he "You rock!" And so I talked to them for a minute or two and they left and kept talking to Tiffany and then she said something about Good Charlotte, and the whole last year me and her argued over who was better LINKIN PARK or Good Charlotte, and I said, if GC is better, how come LP won best rock video over them? And she said, "Well, Linkin Park is better. Their music is better, their video's are better, their lyrics are definatly better, but Good Charlotte is more fun." And I said, oh if you were a dedicated fan, and had LPs DVDs and stuff like that, you would think LP was more fun...

wooohooo that was long

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