What did I do?
1.) I dumped my boyfriend, yes I finally dumped him. Now I can flirt with any guy I want =)
2.) I joined my schools volleyball team. I'm jersey #5 (someone took #1 before I could get it, but I'm #1 at heart ; )). I'm the starting server, cause I'm cool.
3.) I have had an assload of homework lately, ugh :\
4.) I had my 14th birthday (as you all know). Today I'm having my friends over to paaaarty!
5.) Someone stole my fucking science book out of my locker! >8(
Someone has been stealing stuff from everyone's locker, including moi.
Yup, good times, good times.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and SOMEONE stole my #10 spot...I worked so hard to get to #10...:"(