Author Topic: I was so scared today!!!  (Read 1602 times)


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I was so scared today!!!
« on: January 07, 2004, 04:56:56 pm »
Today I was going to my first period class and I got there early like always, me and my friend talked for a while until the bell rang, then she left and like all these people were late. They started talking about some incident on Beryl (a street by our school) and something happening at Eat At Joe's a restaurant across from our campus. I started to do the Warm Up practice problems, when the intercom came on and the principal said we were on lock-down, some people were confused (like me) then the bells started ringing really loud, my teacher was like, "oh sorry kids, I dont know what bell that is..." so she went next door and asked the other math teacher and he said it was the lockdown bell. *gasps*
So we had to put everything away, and get under our desks. ten minutes later, the principal has another message on the intercom for us, 2 guys shot a cop at Eat At Joe's, after stabbing a woman in a trailor park (didn't even know we had a trailor park...) and one guy ran away (who shot the cop) he was caught of course, the other guy jumped into his Silver SUV and left, they couldn't catch him, he got away and hijacked another car...
Back in class, we heard helicopters above us and sirens all around. securitry and cops were every where all over campus. Lockdown was until the middle of lunch, thats when we were finally able to leave, but right after we got like 15 minutes to eat it was back to lockdown. during lunch people just left school, everyone has cell phones and stuff like that so they all called their parents while under lockdown to get them off-ground passes, fifth period all these people were gone. in the middle of fifth period lockdown was over, they caught the guy who they were chasing for hours.

At first I thought it was a drill but I live in a really nice area by the beach, I never thought something this bad would happen. I mean we have had two previous incidents but they weren't that bad...

the first was my freshman year, when some idiot brought a gun to school threw his backpack on the floor and the gun went off and shot some guy Nathan, he ran and like 30 mins later they got him.

My sophomore year, there was a bomb threat, we had to go to the football field, and the security guard opened the back gate by the bleachers, and all the kids were like, "oh can we go home? can we?" so they just ran out, there were kids everywhere, getting into their cars and stuff just getting out of there, whoever left though got a Truancy Ticket.

I was really scared today though, 4 helicopters were right above my class for hours. and the way the school never told us what was happening freaked everyone out.

Manda :roll:

You know that Dirrty feeling when you wake up with no pants on face down on the floor of the city bus and you got like a condom in your ear? Thats the feeling we are trying to create! - Sarah Michelle Gellar


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I was so scared today!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2004, 05:41:38 pm »


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I was so scared today!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2004, 06:13:44 pm »
...that suX.

my school is bad, i think.
when i was in 8th grade and my sister was in 12th, [she going to my highschool that i go to now] they had like a bomb threat every
but my freshman year they didnt have any
and none yet this year, so thats cool.

...just a bunch of fights....[fights happen everyday at my school :-\ there's so many bad kids...
 :?  :roll: not really exciting...

oh wait, now i remember, last year...
this one guy through a hunk of ice off one of those overpass thingys i dont know, but it killed someone.[he went to my school]

...not much you hear about from the school..
you just find out stuff from your friends. :|


  • Speeding into the horizon
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I was so scared today!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2004, 06:51:59 pm »
My school is in a nice area and all, and I just never thought this kind of stuff would happen.

I'm sorry that stuff goes on at your school, that must suck big time.

I hope things get better for you, kulp.


You know that Dirrty feeling when you wake up with no pants on face down on the floor of the city bus and you got like a condom in your ear? Thats the feeling we are trying to create! - Sarah Michelle Gellar