is anyone else going to be watching this in May? I just read an article on it in TP, it looks really interesting!
It's part of this PBS series where they take families and put them in a time period for five months. The families have to live exactly how people of that time period lived. it sounds boring, but it's actually really interesting, and entertaining :-P Like this one season where they had Frontier Home, and these people had to live like they did in the 1800's. This one family was from LA and watching the mother and daughter's having to leave their makeup behind was so funny! lmao, i sound like a dork, but trust me it's an awesome show!
so far they've done: Victorian Home (shot in England), Frontier Home (shot in America), WWII Home (shot in England), and Manor House (shot in England). Colonial Home is going to be shot in America, and is going to show on PBS on Mondays and Tuesdays in May on the 17th, 18th, 24th, and 25th