Tho personally i didnt like the stuff they medled with for egs. the room of requirement... an amateur witch like Umbridge should not be able to find it and blow it open... It isnt supposed to work that way.... right??
i dont think Umbridge would be considered an Amateur...
Uhm... then lemme put it this way... a witch like Umbridge who isnt that great a witch... to be able to blow open the room of requirement... Anthony I'm sure you got what i mean...... The room of requirement is not supposed to blow up...!!!!
I agree. But what i dont get is how did Umbridge find it in the first place.....cuz in the movie they show when they leave the room theyy keep leaving from different places to avoid how did umbridge even know where to blow up the wall?
In the movie, if you remember... Cho told Umbridge I think. But in the book, it was Cho's friend who told Umbridge, and maybe you can remember that she got some kind of jinx or something that made her face turn rashy because she told about DA. So by just telling her on what floor and where the wall is, they just blew it up.
Does it make sense? Cause I just tend to ramble on and on...