Author Topic: harmonium  (Read 5439 times)


  • Make me high on lullabies
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  • Azriel
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« on: May 08, 2005, 10:06:24 am »
so i think it's about time that i address a few issues that are screaming for attention.
a) unfortunately, there will be no second single on this album. there are a handful of people at my label that do not see how great the album would do if it was promoted. yes, there are shortsighted (nonmusical bastards) and it sucks, but that's the way it goes. welcome to the music biz.
2!) i worked my ass off promoting harmonium in the ways that i could control, but you can't sell records to someone in the middle of indiana without a little help. (i like indiana).
c)the people (you) that have supported this record and love it are my true and ultimate fanbase. don't worrry i will continue churning out the goods no matter how big or small the albums are.
4) i'm writing some killer songs for my 3rd album (most people will know it as my second!). and feel that i am about to FINALLY settle down with a group of people that "get" what kind of artist i am. (yes, there will be a lot of changes going on.) no i am not a pop princess (current label doesn't realzie this important tidbit). though i know that everyone reading this knows that, the rest of the world should and will figure it out at some point as well.
8) i had a blast on tour (which i never do), and i can't wait to get back on the road. look for an album in early next year (yes, it will probably get pushed back : )
big kiss

posted: 5/7/2005 22:06