gosh this is a sad week. these two posts brought me to tears, especially the 2nd one.. on top of already being shocked by the vt tech shootings.
dane cooks father died the 14th from cancer & a stroke he's been battling, and this is coming a year after his mom died from cancer. You can read his post here, its lengthy but worth the read
http://www.danecook.com poor guy

Also, AJ from the backstreet boys was contacted by a fan on his myspace about her best friend who died over the weekend whose also a bsb fan asking for some support & he wrote about it on his blog as well as asking his fans to keep her family in our thoughts/prayers (sweet guy).
This post made me tear up.. I get a lot of judgements from being a Paula & BSB fan, but I hope this helps some people realize people are fans of certain artists for a reason.
Please keep her family in your thoughts/prayers:
Hi Alex, I always try to send stupid messages for people in my space, but I really need your help now.
The fact is: my best friend who was a Backstreet boys fan since 1997 died yesterday. She was only 26 years old, her birthday was last week. She has some kind of sindrome since she was born, but last week she started to get weaker but she didn't tell her mother because she wouldn't like to make her mom worry. But friday she gets really sick, and died on saturday morning. Is really painful to talk about it.
She was a strong girl, smart and funny and even have many physical difficults (she wasnt able to walk without help) she tried to live a normal life. She went to the backstreet boys concert in 2001 in RIO, she travelled 2 days to get there, she didn't have money, but she went. She was a warrior...a survivor... a person who always fight for what she want.
you can see her space if you want: http://www.myspace.com/tatiane_mn
She love Backstreet boys, and even knowing that this is a sad landscape, she was burried with a flower and a picture of backstreet boys and her friends with her) because backstreet boys were reallya good influence to her. She always told me there in the hard times she used to hear your songs, last year, her mother had to live for a while in another city, and the album never gone was her best company.
I have nothing left to say, because the tears started to cry.. I just wanna to ask you to send a message to her family... to her friends... we feel like the best way to homage her... is getting messages in her memory for the artists she use to like...
Alex, I'm pleading you...she was very important to me... we need just some words... it feels like we onw it to her. I know that you can't help any fan in the word, but she really deserves it...she was a fighter.... her mother is very sad, because it all happened so suddenly.
We really need your support, I know you are a guy with a good soul alex...