I'd have to buy a plane ticket and I (at this time) don't even have all the money for the ticket itself. So I'm offering $25 dollars for anyone who wants to go....and I guess he will extend another $25, so that is $50 if you want to go and money is the only object....and if he really will match it.
I'm not a democrat(I consider myself an independent) by any means but this is also a opportunity for some publicity for Carlton, where alot of people will be able to see her and hear the music. So you guys should go to support her; even if you think Mrs. Clinton is evil. :wink:
You might say, "Vanessa, I suffered through this for you you know. Just because I'm this big huge insane fan who would do ANYTHING to support you." *then meekly wave your little elephant flag you stuffed into your purse in front of her*
But this idea didn't come from me....erm...in fact this post doesn't exist. *poof*