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When on tour with rock singer Stevie Nicks in 2005 and 2006, Carlton premiered the songs "Best Behavior" (now "My Best") and "All Is Well".
Is "My Best" a song that we haven't heard before? I am aware of the inaccuracy of Wikipedia, but i just can't help but wonder..QuoteWhen on tour with rock singer Stevie Nicks in 2005 and 2006, Carlton premiered the songs "Best Behavior" (now "My Best") and "All Is Well".
Quote from: "davidjp"Is "My Best" a song that we haven't heard before? I am aware of the inaccuracy of Wikipedia, but i just can't help but wonder..QuoteWhen on tour with rock singer Stevie Nicks in 2005 and 2006, Carlton premiered the songs "Best Behavior" (now "My Best") and "All Is Well". Ya that is very inaccurate...Best Behavior and My Best are two different songs...we have heard Hest Hebavior but not my best..... My Best will be on the album, but we havent recieved confirmation that Best Behavior will..
lol i spelt best behavior as hest hebavior....hahaha i am for some reason amused by