The books are for children. Why do adults insist on reading them?
She's a bad author who tells cute stories with no depth and no creativity.
Do. Not. Understand.
Now the movies, on the other hand, are cute summer fantasy stories. Very enjoyable. But the books.... if you aren't 12, I can show you 100 books that are infinitly better in the same genre. And if you want to read kids books that badly, I can even one-up you there.
I guess I should just be happy that people are READING.
Reading between the trolling lines: Grakthis beats it to Emma Watson. The book has no pics of Emma Watson, and thus fails horribly.
Narnia is for kids, yet they're read and enjoyed by people of all ages. Lord of the Rings? Same deal. But why am I bothering with this? Grak is on my ignore list for good reason, and I'm on his for good reason. XD
BV wrote he disliked the first move. Well, I kinda do too. That and the sencond one. The books are the weaker entries in the series, and this translates onto the screen as well. Plus, Columbus sucked at directing them. O:)
OT, I voted for 4. I LOVE Goblet of Fire. Read though it when it came out in a couple of days, then once I hit the end, started over right on the spot. That was just great, before Harry went into his emo teen stage in Book 5, and when the books started to get darker.
Although I do like 5 and 7 (not my daughter, you bitch!) a lot too.