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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #75 on: August 11, 2007, 06:21:28 pm »
Page 6" Milford Pennsylvania, CArlton was exposedto music at an early age thanks to her mother,Heidi a piano teacher, and father Ed a pilot and classic rock lover. After a family trip to Disneyland at age two, Carlton returned home and out of the blue. started playing the melody of "It's a small world" on the piano. Amazed by her daughters gift. her mom began exposing her to classical composers such as Erik Satie, Felix Mendelson and Claud Debussy. By age 8 Carlton had composed her first original piece.
Still as a teen Carlton rejeted the idea that music was her calling and focused her energies on ballet. At 14 when she was accepted into the School of American Ballet, Carlton left home and moved the The Big Apple. Three years later she'd become disenchanted.
"Let's talk about another oppressive industry," Carltonsays, looking back on her dancing days. " I learned a lot about being a people-pleaser and wanting attention from your teacher, wanting someone to pat you on the back and say,'good job'. I would never be happy in that environment. You're just a tool for somebody else. You're just a dancer interpreting somebody else's choreography to somebody else's music."
CArlton channeled the passion she'd felt for dancing into creating her music on her piano. "I felt this liberation that i wasnt feeling for dancing anymore. Dancing used to be that one outlet for me it wasn't anymore. I just don't like insinuations, like you have to be this way or your not acceptable. It's sick to me. That's probably something stephan and i have in common. We got into a lot of trouble in school at first. I'm so anti-institution. Seriously, I think insitutions are the death of humanity- I'll take it that far. Fascism,all the great wars, all the blood and death comes from that rigidity. No matter what i do i have to be an individual. I can never conform."
Now wanting to purseu music full time Carlton moved to NYC's Hells kitchen neighborhood and worked as a waitress while lining up singing gigs in local clubs. Record scouts eventually discovered her and signed her to A&M Interscope Records,through which she released 2002's platinum selling, Grammy nominated Be Not Nobody, produced by Ron Fair.
She soon started touring with the Goo
Goo Dolls and Third Eye Blind, and during this time she met her future beau, Jenkins. Initially, CArlton was unreceptive to his romantic overtures.
 "I had been dating this musician, and I was like,'Im never going to be the girl standing on the side of the stage waiting for my dude" Carlton says. "It's just lame. So at that time I was like,'I'm never gonna date another rock-star.Then I met stephan. He had that typical rock-star vibe,that swagger,and he was very charismatic. Immediatley, I was like, Oh this guy gets whatever he wants. No way is he going to get me!"
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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #76 on: August 11, 2007, 11:06:42 pm »
Ghis, i bought a second copy tonight if you want me to ship it to you let me know.

I also bought the book she mentioned so I thought i'd check it out.  Has anyone else read it?  The book is Sarah by JT LeRoy

I <3 Nicole

We want the unicorns to live! - Vanessa Carlton


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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #77 on: August 12, 2007, 12:16:05 am »
Quote from: "kaysha"
Ghis, i bought a second copy tonight if you want me to ship it to you let me know.

You rock K! <3
PM me how much I owe you for that. Thanks!!
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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #78 on: August 12, 2007, 07:43:31 am »
Quote from: "kaysha"
Ghis, i bought a second copy tonight if you want me to ship it to you let me know.

I also bought the book she mentioned so I thought i'd check it out.  Has anyone else read it?  The book is Sarah by JT LeRoy


yes, a long time ago(5 years ago I think) I read Sarah  and a couple of years ago I read "Maldito Coração" (I think it's The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things in english) which is really intense , I recommend both books.


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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #79 on: August 12, 2007, 08:29:23 am »
JT Leroy is a character made up by a woman author who had her sister in law (i think ) trick Hollywood into believing that JT Leroy was a real guy by going out dressed up as him. His story is really depressing, like he had a really troubled youth, etc. The woman who wrote the books and started the scandal got into some trouble when she was found out.


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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #80 on: August 12, 2007, 10:06:27 am »
yeah, stephan and vanessa were fairly obsessed with him/her for a spell.

at least i can say
i was not afraid
i loved you all the way
i'd pick the fool any day.


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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #81 on: August 12, 2007, 01:38:09 pm »
Who's on the cover of the magazine?


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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #82 on: August 12, 2007, 01:39:32 pm »
Quote from: "Unicorn"
Who's on the cover of the magazine?

Chris Brown, I think ...


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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #83 on: August 12, 2007, 02:03:30 pm »
is it not like 3 different covers or something like that or is that just for if you get it on the internet?

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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #84 on: August 12, 2007, 04:08:43 pm »
if you get it off the internet theres three cover choices but in the store there's only chris brown
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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #85 on: August 12, 2007, 04:32:14 pm »
I don't really care for the article- if that transcription is the whole thing. It started off weird, the journalist seemed to be describing Vanessa's reception of him at first as sort of "eh, whatever" even a bit impolite, but then he tried to write it in as "she just doesn't care what anyone thinks of her" and then she said writing "you know I'd walk a thousand miles if I could just see you tonight" was an idiot thing to write and she'd never do that now (maybe naive and she could write better now, but I don't think it's a horrible sentiment)... what happened to the girl saying she'd pick the fool any day?  I thought the whole meaning of that song is to not become jaded by love but to always be the fool because it's the more honest role to play? Idk. She just seems like she's become very jaded lately, and I don't blame her but I hope she doesn't stay in that mindset for too long!


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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #86 on: August 13, 2007, 02:36:04 am »
wow thanks for posting those segments of the article! :D


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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #87 on: August 13, 2007, 09:11:21 am »
Page 7:Carlton laughs coyly, her eyes twinkling a bit. "But he totally won me over in the end. What realy got me was that he's more of an intellectual than anything else." Carlton sasy that early in their relationship , Jenkins handed her a copy of J.T LeRoy's Sarah,and suggested that she read it. I was like, "He's existing on another plan,' and that was very attractive to me."
Jenkins became Carlton's creative partner,co producing her sophmore effort, 2005's critically acclaimed,though commercially unsuccessful, Harmonium
"Thank god for Harmonium" Carlton says. "It wasn't the biggest record in the world, but it was the foundation for this album. It was like a fork in the road and i could go one way or the other,and i chose the harder path.I've been able to really establish an aesthetic for myself, and i wasn't compromised. There's this quirky, classical pop thing going on with my music, and there's a real purity there that can instantly be tainted by any element that's being built to sell records. I hit a point where im like, 'I have no problem walking away from all of this. Unless this feels right, I'm not doing it.' And i found this clarity in myself and the kind of music i want to make.
Carlton's refusal to compromise her art prompted her to walk away from her deal at Interscope and search for a new label.
In 2006 during a meeting with Universal Music Group CEO and Chairman Doug Morris, Carlton was introduced to her future label head, Irving Lorinzo, aka Irv Gotti founder and head of The Ink Records, the label that oversaw the careers of platinum artists JaRule and Ashanti.At the time Gotti was finallizing a deal to house his imprint at Universal and attempting to rebuild his empire after being acquitted in December 2005 of federal money-laundering charges brought aginst him and his brother,Christopher. Gotti had just wrapped up a meeting with Mel Lewinter, Universal'a CEO, when Senior Vice President of A&R Jolene Cherry invited him into Morris's office to hear Carlton play.
 "I saw Vanessa, and she looked familiar, but  I didn't know her name," Gotti says at his Midtown Mahattan office. "I didn't put the pieces of the puzzle together. She got on the piano and played this record "Hands On Me," and i started going crazy,like, "You're the fucking shit! I've never heard anything so hot!" Gotti says with a laugh. "She was looking at me like 'Yo,this dude is fucking crazy.' So after I was done ranting and raving, she started playing "A Thousand Miles" and I was like 'Oh, shit!" cause that song is in the movie "White Chicks" so i was like,"Yo, you're the fucking white chick! People in the hood love your shit!' So I'm looking at Jolene Cherry, ans she's like, "Irv, why don't you sign her?" But I was like, "She don't wana be with no hip-hop gangsta-rap label..."
Gotti was wrong. Carlton called him expressing intrest ino signing with him, and the two arranged to meet for dinner. "I said, 'Yo before we even move forward with this, Google me cause there's a lot of shit with me. Get all the information and think," Gotti says."Then we went to dinner agian, and she said, 'I don't care what anyone says. The reaction you gave me at the meeting, I've been waiting for that my whole life. I believe in you, and I want you to guide my carrer." I signed her right there."
"I call him Ganesh," Carlton says of Gotti."In Buddhist mythology Ganesh is a warrior who never gives up, and he fights with with a smile and wins through positivity. I love being surrounded by that. Irv is my warrior.
Although it's an unexpected match both Gotti and Carlton are ecstatic with the in-studio chemestry they've created. "Everyone is curious," Gotti says, "They want to see if i've taken her the Nelly Furtado or Gwen Stefani route,but I didn't want to do that. Vanessa is very much and artist's artist.She's very into her art and how she wants to present it to people,so what i had to do is find the magic in what she does. I'm not into changing artists. I believe to sell the most record you have to give people the inner you."
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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #88 on: August 13, 2007, 09:18:46 am »

I love reading about the chemistry Irv and Vanessa have together. It really makes me hopeful of her.


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Article: Giant Magazine
« Reply #89 on: August 13, 2007, 09:32:21 am »
I went to Jewels to pick up a few things for a party for abirthday of a friend and I saw the mag. and I bought it!!! Its pretty awesome.

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