1) Although a lot of what Tylor says is confusing, he is right that
your arguments also often become convoluted, Grak. It seems like you pick at straws just to somehow, in some small and however extreme way, prove either that you are right or the other person is wrong (even if only in part of their argument). But sometimes your "facts" and "proof" and declarations don't ring completely true. And I don't claim to be smart enough to find every mistake you make, as I'm not profoundly knowledgable in all the topics you might claim to be an expert on, but I've noticed you do it a few times just in the debate we've had, so I can just bet you do it even more than I notice.
2) Just because someone is not an excellent or good speller, it doesn't mean that they are unintelligent and their points are automatically nullified. I know a lot of smart people who aren't the best spellers. So to say how can he expect anyone to take his thought process seriously because he misspelled discipline is, in my opinion, purposely misdirecting the conversation.
3) There is no need to make a personal attack on someone who only attacked your structure of argumentation.
4) Grak, no matter how smart you are- honestly I can't tell because you are so full of BS on top of it - you have a level of pretension about you that's so grand I actually think it deserves applause.
And honestly, no hard feelings, but stop trying to be the expert on EVERYTHING. Nobody is buying it.