Awesome Awesome interview. Slant Magazines asked great questions. Answered a lot of stuff I've been wanting to know. Guess she won't be working with Stephan anymore. Kind of unfortunate since they have made great songs together. But yea that answer probably not sounds like they've even lost their friendship. And I think it's really cool that she thinks Clinton is brilliant because that's what I think! And it's rare to read such intelligent interviews, not cookie-cutter ones from an artist. And I'm glad she's out of the public eye because I don't think I would want to know what she does outside of music, etc. It's just too much, knowing all that gets kind of creepy.
But yea I really hope the b-sides will include All is Well and Best Behavior though I highly doubt it since ya'll said it's produced by Linda Perry. =(
Are the B-sides going to be on the Newbury pre-ordered cd's?
I love Vanessa! She's so awesome!