Author Topic: JAIME LYNN SPEARS IS PREGNANT  (Read 22938 times)


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« Reply #60 on: December 23, 2007, 05:45:26 pm »
Quote from: "tricia"
I imagine it's unnecessary, but this is just a reminder that the topic being discussed is some girl's pregnancy...everything else doesn't belong here.

But I have to post whore to get to 5000!

I just can't believe Nickelodeon is treating this as a good thing.  What's next, a whole lot more knocked up 16 year olds?  Greaaaaat.


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« Reply #61 on: December 24, 2007, 12:46:39 am »
Quote from: "LimeTwister"

I just can't believe Nickelodeon is treating this as a good thing.  What's next, a whole lot more knocked up 16 year olds?  Greaaaaat.

I don't think they are really trying to say that it's a good thing, I think they are just gonna say you know what Jamie made a mistake thats not okay, and make sure kids understand to not do what she did. I mean they aren't gonna say "hey kids, it's okay to get knocked up at 16! Jamie is a great role model!" lol.


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« Reply #62 on: December 25, 2007, 01:17:16 am »
From OK! it from an entertainment site.

Jamie Lynn on finding out she was expecting:
"It was a shock for both of us, so unexpected. I was in complete and total shock and so was he. I can't say it was something I was planning to do right now, but now that it's in my lap and that it's something I have to deal with, definitely, I'm looking forward to being the best mom I can be."

On deciding to keep the baby:
"As soon as I found out for sure from the doctor, I took two weeks to myself where I didn’t tell anybody. Only one of my friends knew because I needed to work out what I would do for myself before I let anyone’s opinion affect my decision. Then I told my parents and my friends. I was scared, but I had to do what was right for me.

I think my whole life I would have to live with knowing what I did or what I didn't do. I'm trying to do the right thing, I think that this is what is going to make me happy in the end."

Telling Casey:
"[I called Casey after the doctor's appointment and met in person the next day.] It was something we couldn't really talk about over the phone. We met and talked about everything and decided what we wanted to do. He was 100 percent supportive, and we figured it out."

Telling her mother:
"[I told my mom right before Thanksgiving.] She was very upset because it wasn’t what she expected at all. A week after, she had time to cope with it and became very supportive."

On her first ultrasound:
"[Mom and Casey were there.] I was just kinda sitting there. I didn't expect to be able to see all that. Again, it was a shock. At first, everything is so shocking and you're scared. But then when I saw it, I was like 'It's going to be okay.' It's things like that that make you realize it'll be okay."

On her body:
"I think it's something that you just know how to do. As your body changes and all these things happen, I think it becomes natural to know what to do. I will have to be strong and do what's right. I'm sure it'll get hard at times. I'm sure I'll be grumpy. I have to remember in the end that I have to stand up and be strong.

I'm not showing, but some days I'm like: 'Wow, I feel like I'm showing today,' and Mom says: 'No you're not. Be quiet.' It's great to have her there. She is really supportive of me."

On the sex of the baby:
"I want to find out as soon as I can because I'm impatient. I just want a healthy, happy baby, so the whether it's a boy or a girl really doesn't matter."

On names:
"I haven't thought about baby names yet. I would have to hear some options!"

On morning sickness:
"I definitely had sickness, but it's getting better. It was at its worst a few weeks ago."

No cravings:
"I haven't really got much of an appetite right now. I mean, I eat, but I'm not going crazy or anything."

On preparations such as the nursery:
"I haven't even had time to think about that much yet as I have had so much going on. All you can be is excited now, so definitely, I will be excited."

On marriage and the living situation:
Jamie Lynn wants to make clear that they do not live together — she lives with Lynne, while he lives with his parents.

"Right now, we're just focusing on the baby and having a healthy baby. We're trying just to think about that right now so we haven't really talked about that."

On believing she'll be a good mom:
"I love babies, and I have my nephews that I love. I have a great mom and she has raised three kids, so if I take lessons from her, I think I'll be great. All my friends have little brothers or sisters."

On Casey as a father:
"He has always been good with babies. He's like a big teddy bear, especially around babies, so I know he'll make a good dad."

Her hopes for 2008:
"Just to have a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy and for everything to fall in place and to become a stronger person from here."

Advice from Lynne:
"To be strong."

Jamie Lynn says the situation has brought them closer together.

On premarital sex:
"I definitely don’t think it's something you should do; it’s better to wait. But I can’t be judgmental because it’s a position I put myself in."


Lynne Spears also shares her side of the story in OK!.

On finding out Jamie Lynn was pregnant:
"She came to me and said: 'Mom, I have to tell you something. Here, it's in a note.' I was taken aback. I read the note, which of course said that she was pregnant, and ran into the living room. I said: 'I don't believe this. This is not funny!' I looked at Casey, and he was staring straight ahead. She said: 'Yes, Momma, it's true.'

I didn’t believe it because Jamie Lynn’s always been so conscientious. She’s never late for her curfew. I was in shock. I mean, this is my 16-year-old baby."

On her reaction:
"You have to sit and think about it and deal with the situation that you have and stay focused that there is this beautiful new living human being that's on its way."

On knowing it was real:
"[The 3-month ultrasound.] I guess that's what it took for me to really believe it."

On her teenage daughter raising a baby:
"I want her to ask me to help as much as she wants me to because I will be there for her. I want to be a big part, if she wants me to be."

On if Jamie Lynn and Casey should get married:
"We're not going there. We're focusing on the baby. We've got so much to focus on right now."

On grandchildren:
"My grandsons are so adorable! Of course, another little boy would be precious, but a little girl would be precious too. It doesn't matter so long as it's healthy — that's what's important."

Her hopes for 2008:
"Health, peace, happiness and a real good healthy focus for life, for all [my children's] lives."


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« Reply #63 on: December 26, 2007, 06:21:40 pm »
It's now being reported that the father is an exec at Zoey 101...who is way above the legal age.

That explains a few things...

They're all fucked up.


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« Reply #64 on: December 26, 2007, 10:04:31 pm »
Quote from: "LimeTwister"
It's now being reported that the father is an exec at Zoey 101...who is way above the legal age.

That explains a few things...

They're all fucked up.

This is coming from Star magazine..a tabloid. Not the most reliable source.


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« Reply #65 on: December 26, 2007, 10:28:59 pm »
They, at some point, were trying to improve their image.  And they still have to have some source for their information...OK! is a tabloid as well.


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« Reply #66 on: December 26, 2007, 11:30:23 pm »
Quote from: "LimeTwister"
They, at some point, were trying to improve their image.  And they still have to have some source for their information...OK! is a tabloid as well.

True OK! is a tabloid as well, but Nick actually released the statement after Jamie herself went to them. I need an official statement or something a little more reliable than Star to believe it. I might believe it if OK! reported it since Jamie talked to them about being pregnant.

I just don't see why Jamie would sleep with a guy as old as this executive or whatever..if it's true she had to have been forced into it.


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« Reply #67 on: December 26, 2007, 11:39:09 pm »
It's all about money...the dude may never say anything as long as he's getting a fat check, and believe me a fat check is better than ending the stupid tv show and sending the exec to jail.  I don't believe half the shit that comes out of any of those magazines.  I got that Jamie Lynn is pregnant, but the whole thing will be fucked up and secretive because the rich don't like to lose their money.  This baby is going to be messed up growing up in a home that produced two whacko daughters and a paparazzi lifestyle.   I don't care where she moves to, if the pictures mean money, the photographers are going to go after her.  It's the life she and her parents chose for her.  It sucks, but that's the bizz.  Britney's in the same predicament, and if she isn't careful, the next headline is going to read "Pop Star Dead."  It's a sad life...and very few make it out all right.


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« Reply #68 on: December 27, 2007, 02:02:32 pm »
a kid taking care of another kid.


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« Reply #69 on: December 27, 2007, 07:35:09 pm »
Quote from: "LimeTwister"
It's all about money...the dude may never say anything as long as he's getting a fat check, and believe me a fat check is better than ending the stupid tv show and sending the exec to jail.  I don't believe half the shit that comes out of any of those magazines.  I got that Jamie Lynn is pregnant, but the whole thing will be fucked up and secretive because the rich don't like to lose their money.  This baby is going to be messed up growing up in a home that produced two whacko daughters and a paparazzi lifestyle.   I don't care where she moves to, if the pictures mean money, the photographers are going to go after her.  It's the life she and her parents chose for her.  It sucks, but that's the bizz.  Britney's in the same predicament, and if she isn't careful, the next headline is going to read "Pop Star Dead."  It's a sad life...and very few make it out all right.

Wow, you know me and A LOT of other backstreet fans were just thinking something is gonna happen to Britney. Weird how you said that.

And in response to the other part, doesn't Jamie already make plenty of money though? I mean she's on THE hottest Nick show. She just seems smarter than that to me.


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« Reply #70 on: December 27, 2007, 07:52:13 pm »
Quote from: "Laura"
And in response to the other part, doesn't Jamie already make plenty of money though? I mean she's on THE hottest Nick show. She just seems smarter than that to me.

This isn't true for every case, but having money leads to wanting more.  It's human nature to want more than you have.  Not only that, she's 16.  Yeah, she has money, but money runs out.  Celebrity fades and people go broke.  If they want to make it in the game, they have to do whatever they can to keep earning.  

And the exec is not in the same position.  If that story is true, he can get into a lot of trouble.  In turn, lose whatever status and money he has.  It's all tricky and it can either go two ways--bad or good.


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« Reply #71 on: December 27, 2007, 08:40:06 pm »
Quote from: "LimeTwister"

This isn't true for every case, but having money leads to wanting more.  It's human nature to want more than you have.  Not only that, she's 16.  Yeah, she has money, but money runs out.  Celebrity fades and people go broke.  If they want to make it in the game, they have to do whatever they can to keep earning.  

And the exec is not in the same position.  If that story is true, he can get into a lot of trouble.  In turn, lose whatever status and money he has.  It's all tricky and it can either go two ways--bad or good.

But the exec can't make the money decisions without consent from the actual producer, director, etc. can he?

Also, did Star say how they found out about this? Someone walk in on them?


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« Reply #72 on: December 27, 2007, 08:57:47 pm »
He can easily lose his job...and his money depends on the success of the show.  Without his job or that success, he loses his money.

Or are you talking about Jamie Lynn's money?  It's more about job security for both of them.

And I think it said something like it heard it from close friends of Jamie Lynn and/or the 18/19 year old.


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« Reply #73 on: December 27, 2007, 10:57:44 pm »
Quote from: "LimeTwister"
He can easily lose his job...and his money depends on the success of the show.  Without his job or that success, he loses his money.

Or are you talking about Jamie Lynn's money?  It's more about job security for both of them.

And I think it said something like it heard it from close friends of Jamie Lynn and/or the 18/19 year old.

I was talking about Jamie Lynn's money. And did Star say how the "close friends" found out? They aren't that close if they did talk to Star. Guess most people who be-friends celebs are out for the money/fame. I've been learning that a lot today. It's sad.


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« Reply #74 on: December 28, 2007, 01:41:50 am »
yeah i heard that too...:

"""Jamie Lynn Spears: OH MY G. CASEY is NOTTT the father! Star magazine said that JLS was impregnated by some producer on her Zoey 101 show. This just gets worse and worse. I bet he's like 47 with a pot belly."""

Holywood life is messed up big time!! I feel sorry for her.... - Check out my poetry and tell me what you think! Many thanks! -