Author Topic: Will you still be a fan after H&T?  (Read 38329 times)


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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« on: May 03, 2008, 01:27:35 pm »
Hello All,
Pivoting off the posts of BNN's 6th anniversary, I reflected on what it is to be a VC fan.  H&T isn't exactly burning up the charts, and it looks as if that no one is doing anything about it except VC herself.  Most likely, that's probably about it for the album.  The gross failure of the new label to get her on New York radio is just unacceptable, but I'll stop short of dissing The Inc. because they offered her a deal after the pissing contest she had with A&M, and I appreciate Irv's consideration.  I realize I don't know the whole story.  Budgets are being cut and music biz people are being shown the door, so that may be a contributing factor.

IMO, BNN was good, Harmonium was staggeringly great, and this one is solid, but I don't have the same emotional connection all the way through that I do with the previous albums.

I think I will stick by Vanessa.  When all is said and done, she makes good, honest, uncompromising music.  The record company suits that don't get her can all go take a long walk off a short pier.  I'm a loyal fan in that when I like a band or artist, I stay a fan until something really off-putting takes place(say if VC went techno or electronica or something).
Even then, I'll still enjoy the old stuff.

This won't be a popular viewpoint, but IMO a lot of H&T tracks are a hard sell.  Who here can relate to having a rent-controlled apartment in NYC?  Stevie Nicks as your buddy?  Anyone?  What was the last hit song that had a Dalai Lama reference?  VC's joy and sorrow comes through in these tracks, and that, being part of her honesty, is what I enjoy about her.  She made an album about where she was in 06/07, literally and figuratively.  The oft-quoted law is "write what you know".

VC has said that she is NOT a pop princess.  Perhaps that's true, but ATM and OD were successful pop singles, some of the best in recent times, and as much as I like it, I grit my teeth a little when I hear Sara Bareilles' "Love Song" on the radio.  I wish VC was coming up with things like that.  I think she will, and I'll predict the next album will be a return to form.

Those are my views, and I know not everyone shares them.  I'd like to hear yours.  How do you feel, as fans, some recent, some since the beginning?  I'm happy to still be in her corner, and she has all my support.



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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2008, 02:23:06 pm »
Of course.

I love her and her music.

I agree with you about the connection between 'Heroes & Thieves' and her previous, but IMO, I think this album could have been a huge success if her record company knew how to handle it (and V).

"Hands On Me" should be up on the Billboard charts by now, but it's not. It's not getting any promotion (aside from the gigs Vanessa does) at all. It's terrible.

I remember Irv coming on the forum saying how they'd put 100% into her and have her playing everywhere. Ever since "Nolita Fairytale" dropped, it's been going down hill and it seems like The Inc aren't doing anything about it.

Vanessa once said "you can't promote a record by yourself", and she's right. It's a shame, because 'Heroes & Thieves' could have seriously done well.

I'm not fussed over her having mainstream success though, but I do hope she gets to record another album with them. As you know, a lot of artists get dropped if their album doesn't do shit all on the yeah...*crosses fingers*.

I do admire the fact that she still managed to remain her self in this industry and in her music and didn't compromise who she is as a person & artist.


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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2008, 03:09:02 pm »
I'll stick with VC as long as possible. I've been here since the beginnning too. I am also a loyal fan when it comes to true and genuine artists like Vanessa.

I hope she will continue to write and play music no matter what happens. I'll always travel to the USA just to see her perform and say hi and hang out with the awesome people called NESSAholics.  :wink:

As for the sales, I am sad to see H&T didn't do that well. I admit that it's not your typical pop record and some songs might be "unplayable" on the radio but I think it comes from V's heart and that's what matters to me. "Home" is like the perfect song ever written and just for that alone, I'll cherish H&T for many many years.

Vanessa, if you read me, stick around with us and keep on rocking and you'll always see the lil' French dude coming to your shows and having a blast watching you perform and showcase your amazing piano skills. <333
The Original French NESSAholic


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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2008, 06:23:56 pm »
Sure!  :wink:

I know some people forgotten her after Be Not Nobody, and that is very hard an artist keep making sucess after his first cd...with Vanessa wasn't different...But I guess that true fans never leave to listen his favorite artist...after H&T I still like very much Vanessa.


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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2008, 04:28:41 am »
Quote from: "Ghisy"
"Home" is like the perfect song ever written and just for that alone, I'll cherish H&T for many many years.

Like Ghis, I could cherish H&T just for that one piece of inspiration that's V
all over! I think "Take the glitz back, I want the soul instead" pretty much
relates to the concept at the heart of H&T; a certain amount of this record
was always going to be V distinguishing herself. The way the material has
been pieced into a whole for this record looks more like an alphabet soup;
the key ingredients are all there, it just takes time to find the tasty bits  :wink:




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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2008, 03:23:56 pm »
to be honest, i don't even consider myself a fan anymore. the only reason i stick around here is for the idol thread, other artists section & completely off-topic once in a while.

i liked H&T when it first came out, but i have rarely listened to it lately or any of V's music for that matter. i could relate to BnN & Harmonium WAY more than this cd & the music just connected with me more. it sucks cuz i used to be a HUGE V fan & always listened to her music.

also i think another reason why my fandom is dying is because of me becoming more of a Paula Abdul & Criss Angel fan. from experience, they are way more into their fans than V is imo. i've heard some not so great V stories of when people met her where she came across really bitchy to them. i even heard a story from a nessaholic who told her what her music meant to her & stuff & V was like "well that's good" i mean who responds like that? lol. i know she's not always like that, but she just doesn't seem as appreciative as some other artists.

Criss Angel took pics, gave hugs & signed autographs for LITERALLY 1000+ more fans when i met him & does that a lot. & Paula's on the biggest show in the freaking US & is a legend, yet she still took time to come over to me & my friends a couple times during & after the show, hugged us twice, asked our opinion on her new music like she actually cared what we thought & did something amazing for us which i can't talk about lol. even BSB is that way too, they offer soundchecks & meet & greets for their fans & spend forever meeting fans after appearances.

sorry i'm not trying to put V down or anything, just honestly sharing why my fandom is fading. *waits for the backlash*


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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2008, 03:38:27 pm »
well as of right now. I think I will be a great fan of V's for a long while. I am also a great fan of Nine Inch Nails. Them and Vanessa are such great influences to me and my life. I don't know how I would be without hearing their music! I think its just that she can't find a great group of people that will be a good record label and help her out to get her music out to the masses and not just our little community. I still have faith in the Inc. They can come back. Its not the end of the world until they say we are done with Heroes and Thieves. Right now all you can do is assume. But assuming is not always the right choice. I will still be a great fan. I am not going to let one sour meet and greet make me turn my back on her. It was raining in and it was cold and she was getting sick, she's only human. But to sum it up, I will be a a fan of Vanessa's for a long time. As long as she has music I will be a fan. And even if she does not release music, I still have 3 GREAT cd's to listen to for the rest of my life!

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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2008, 04:11:01 pm »
you never said it was raining in the other thread if you were the person i referred to in my reply lol.

but i have still heard other stories of V not being so nice & it kinda made me not like her as much anymore.


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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2008, 04:16:25 pm »
Yeah, if she stops making albums I'll continue to listen to what I have. Eventually I'm guessing I'm not going to be as big of a fan as I am now but that's not to say I'm going to stop listening to the music.


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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2008, 06:20:54 pm »
Quote from: "Laura"
you never said it was raining in the other thread if you were the person i referred to in my reply lol.

but i have still heard other stories of V not being so nice & it kinda made me not like her as much anymore.

hehe I tend to be no so descriptive. no hard feelings. but I have to read other times were shes like that. I would not want to be all like signing stuff all the time either. But I am not much of a people person. Thats just me though.... but no hard feelings =]

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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2008, 06:22:05 pm »
For me, I am a fan of good music. V makes good music. If she stopped making good music, over time maybe I wouldn't be as big of a fan, but I still would definitely be a fan (see: Furtado, Nelly).

I try not to let my musical opinion of an artist be affected by whether I think they are a good person, etc., because often times I don't even know the person so who am I to really judge. Personally, I've always had good experiences with V, so from my own personal experience she seems cool.
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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2008, 07:05:29 pm »
This has been a great discussion so far.

I've met VC a few times.  Most of the time she had plenty of time for us Holics, sometimes she didn't, but I never took it personally, and she always spoke respectfully to me. No complaints!

If I really thought about the A-hole factor in music, my collection would probably shrink to 1/3 of its size.

I'd probably have to get rid of my music as well.

A point I'd like to make is that an artist doesn't owe the fans anything but a good album and a good concert.  Plus, I think it's unfair to judge someone based on 12 seconds of an exchange. She didn't say a whole lot to me the first time I met her, but she shook my hand and looked me right in the eye.

I dunno, I shudder to think of what someone would think if they met me right after a bad day, even for a second.  Wouldn't be pretty.



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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2008, 08:49:26 pm »
As long as V keeps creating music that I love, I will be her fan.  

It IS off-putting when one of your favorite artists isn't too friendly to you, though.  I think it is in her best interest to be as nice as possible to her fans.  You can't please everyone, but you sure can try.  And if you expect them to buy your music, it's part of your job to do just that.
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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2008, 09:44:05 pm »
Quote from: "nosticker"
A point I'd like to make is that an artist doesn't owe the fans anything but a good album and a good concert.  Plus, I think it's unfair to judge someone based on 12 seconds of an exchange. She didn't say a whole lot to me the first time I met her, but she shook my hand and looked me right in the eye.

I dunno, I shudder to think of what someone would think if they met me right after a bad day, even for a second.  Wouldn't be pretty.


true the artist doesn't owe the fans anything besides what you mentioned, but giving them a little extra something always makes me like & respect the artist a lot more.

also we all know Paula has more bad days than most celebs lol, but despite all the scandals shes involved in she is still amazing with her fans.  also Criss works like crazy, sometimes he only gets 2 hours of sleep. yet he's like Paula when it comes to his fans. guess thats why i don't understand why i often hear stories of V being kind of moody since she doesn't have to deal with half of the things they do. not saying she has to be sweet & bubbly all the time or anything cuz nobody is..i just wish she was more appreciative of the fans sometimes is all.


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Will you still be a fan after H&T?
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2008, 03:02:22 pm »
I will always be a fan as long as she keeps making music I love. I don't care whether or not she is a huge commerical success but I just hope she doesn't give up due to lack of it (I mean she's already talking about just writing songs for other people). I also wish she'd come to the UK which probably wont happen without selling more records.