Author Topic: [Us Magazine] V Backing Obama  (Read 14541 times)


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[Us Magazine] V Backing Obama
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2008, 01:07:03 pm »
i went to buy the magazine and v wasn't in it, it was probably last weeks.  :(


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[Us Magazine] V Backing Obama
« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2008, 03:56:51 pm »
Quote from: "Steveau"

Well that's your prerogative. I agree that the Democratic Party screwed up royally when they abandoned the winner take all format that enabled Obama to win by targeting small pockets of voters just to get delegates but there's no way I would go to the GOP because it would totally go against my beliefs on many issues. Hope you enjoy your new party but I think you'll find that it isn't any better there. I don't really like Obama but I sure as hell believe that America would be better off with him than with McCain and his like.

The Democratic Party has had the same rules for 30 years.  It was really Clinton's mess up, because she didn't plan for a proportional system.


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[Us Magazine] V Backing Obama
« Reply #32 on: July 08, 2008, 11:55:24 pm »
i'm the opposite, i will only vote for obama if hillary is NOT his VP. if she is, i'm not voting, because i don't like mccain either.

at least i can say
i was not afraid
i loved you all the way
i'd pick the fool any day.


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[Us Magazine] V Backing Obama
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2008, 03:48:55 pm »
Quote from: "Manda"
Quote from: "Steveau"
Quote from: "Manda"
I'll only vote for Barack Obama if Hillary Clinton is the VP, otherwise I still stand with the millions of other women and loyal clinton supporters who will either NOT vote or will be voting for John McCain within the next few months. After all he said and put her through...I cannot easily cross the line and vote for him. I wonder if Vanessa got a nice donation like all the others who backed Obama.

I was a Hillary voter too but since Obama is now the nominee I will vote for him despite the fact that I think Hillary would have done a better job. I really don't understand the logic of a Hillary supporter voting for McCain just to protest her not getting the nomination. Do you really think she wants you to vote a Republican into office? That's the kind of logic that got us 8 years of Bush. That really bugs me about the Democrats. I believe you have to support the party over a candidate when all is said and done in the National Election. I HATED having to vote for Kerry last election but I did because there's no way I wanted a Republican to win. As Democrats, our mortal enemies should be Republicans not other Democrats that said bad things about the people we supported during the campaign. That's what happens in politics. You're not going to win by complimenting your opponents.
I would strongly urge all Hillary voters not to vote if they truly can't vote for Obama but please don't vote for McCain because that would take 2 more votes to overcome so if you do vote for him and he wins you have no right to complain about him because you got what you asked for.

It is not only because Hillary lost that I decided to vote for McCain.

lets go back in time to the Rules and Bylaws Committee meeting over Michigan and Florida, remember that? Oh yes! Obama dismissing it over and OVER again, putting his foot down so the votes would not be counted. In the end, the RBC decided to split the votes down the middle. You have got to be friggin kidding me. He pulled his name off the ballot. HRC was not stupid, she knew every vote counted and she left her name there and Obama was in a LIST of uncommitted she won 50%-33% and they split it down the middle?! And to really add to that, they TOOK FOUR OF HER DELEGATES and gave them to Barack Obama. What the hell for? So he could clinch the nomination by ONE delegate. Otherwise it would have been taken to Denver, but you know what? Obama, Osama, Odrama, has everyone in his pocket. Like Donna Brazile (a HUGE supporter of Obama) who was part of the RBC. He destroyed the party, not Hillary. She won the popular vote, she won states that mattered in the General Election and he should have pulled out. He racked up small states that won't help him in the GE and he was a good fundraiser! (Oh and he's not accepting public funding anymore, another wishy washy move from Obama)

I was disgusted by the Democratic Party and the RBC, so now I'm going to the GOP.

I realize this thread is old, but the above statement proves your ignorance when it comes to the issue of the Michigan and Florida primaries. While I can't speak for Florida as I don't live there, I can say that the Michigan primary was a JOKE! Everyone was pissed off at the Democratic party for screwing us over and therefore the voting was all screwed up. My parents who happen to be very liberal, voted for McCain because they were pissed off at the democrats. Even my mom who loved Hilary voted for McCain, because Hilary refused to visit Michigan. I also know a bunch of people who voted for Huckabee, just so they could ensure that the democrats would win. I don't know anybody who voted uncommited, although I do know a TON of Obama supporters. While I don't think spliting it down the center was a good idea, it was certainly better than giving Michigan to Hilary! I still think they should have held another Michigan and Florida primary, but the Democratic party was obviously too stubborn to ever consider backing down.


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[Us Magazine] V Backing Obama
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2008, 06:34:00 am »
I do live in Florida, and it is a joke concerning delegates and voting. People don't know what they want down here, I tell ya....