Katie! I'm SO sorry to be late, I do still hope you had an awesome birthday cos you deserve it, you're one of the sweetest nicest people I know! We miss you here!
PS: Doesn't the '84 generation rock?
I had to start my Thank You post with Nerea because I didnt want you to feel sorry that you were late because look how late I am replying lol.
Im sorry that I am late but luckily enough Aaron read me all of your messages over the phone on Sunday so I did know about that thread thank you
First of all thank you Kevin for making me this cool thread, it should be tradition because you made my last years one.
I love my Happy Birthday sig, notice im still obsessed with the two ppl on it?
Lotsa love you porkupine.
Kev, thanks for wishing me a happy birthday.
Haaaaappy Birthday Katie! You're so friendly and kind to everyone here- its a shame that we don't see you so much anymore- but we love you all the same! Have a great day,
Thanks a bunch Rosie, I hope your good and it is a shame that I cant come on as much but I still think about the board 100 times a day.

Miss you Rosie Posie

Thank you Aaron, and a huge spectacular thank you for my present.
Lotsa love
I luv you to pieces my sweet little katie!!!!
happy happy birthday - to you!!!
have a great one!!!
I love you heaps aswell Stephay.
My mum said to me the other day "have you sent something to your friend that made you all of those gifts" and I said "no not yet" then like mums do she said "hmm Katie!" so yes Im sorry that I havnt sent you anything to thank you yet but I will.
But anyway thanks Steph, :drunk:
Thank you Joey :heart:
Katie!!! Happy Birthday!!!!
You are soooo sweet and I always love talking to you but it's a shame that we don't get to anymore! I miss you!!!
Hollers, I miss talking to you on the phone. Maybe I could call you soon.
I miss you Holls and love you heaps, thanks for the message.
Thanks Daniel :wink: hope your good.
Happy Birthday Katie! I hope you have a wonderful day today! You have always been sweet to talk to when we have, and we miss you lots! Have a great time
Georgie xoxo
Thank you sweet Georgie, I wish that I got to talk to you more aswell and hopefully I will in the next week or so <3
Thank you Tia, I did have a great one but Im celebrating it more with my friends this weekend because most of them had to study 4 exams.
Thanks Brian, I hope your taking care.
Thank you Let :wink:
Hahaha early, Katie is prob just gettin up as i post this lol it will be 9am there
I sent here a txt, Much luv Kates hope u have a (whats the scottish word for brilliant) day
Scottish word for brilliant is Scott. Love you heaps my Scotto.
Thank you heaps Chloe

Happy B day Katie!
I hope you have a great one!
you will get your package soon I promise
I know you are busy but do something fun!
much <3
Hey Chuckeroo
Thank you for leaving a message, I had lots of fun with my family and friends. Thank you for the package Danny, I cant wait :wink:
Hope your cool. Lotsa love.
Happy birthday dear Katie!!!!
Hope you have the best day!
You'll get a surprise soon.
Ghisy V <3
A surprise? Thanks Ghis. I cant wait until we talk on the phone that will be heaps of fun. Love you heaps
Happy Birthday Katie! You are soo sweet! It's always fun chatting with you in the Delta thread!
I love talking with you aswell Laura.
You have been my friend for ages now and your really sweet aswell <3
Lotsa Delta love
Happy birthday earthling.
Lol thank you :wink:
Thank you Steve Love :heart:
Yep, happy b'day ...
Happy 20th Anniversary of the year you were born!
Hope this year is brilliant for you and things all work out ...
Heres to us all being around in healthy and happiness to celebrate your birthday next year!!
much love
Thanks Zee :wink: I hope all of those things can happen aswell.
Thank you for the text message and for being a great friend.
Hey Alecs thanks for the birthday wishes

Well there are some extra people who I want to thank because some of them couldnt write in my thread so I wanted to thank Jules my bestest pal for calling me up and being my best friend<3, Daniel for sending me a great birthday card and letter they were awesome, my good AWTR friend Liz of my pm thank you, Talitha thanks for writing happy birthday in your Lj to me<3 and to Chris (free willy) you might not see this but thanks for the message

Im 20 now and as Kevs said Im no longer a teeniebopper. I'll miss my Britney Spears years. Nah not really.
Thanks everyone and I will still appreciate these lovely messages when Im old and grey.
I miss you all.