Author Topic: this is probably how it is, depending on how you see things.  (Read 2781 times)


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this is probably how it is, depending on how you see things.
« on: January 27, 2009, 05:06:40 pm »
music is changing, as is the rest of the world. in a big way. the way it was isn't how it's going to be, as far as music and artistry goes. for one matter, it's always evolving. there's a flow that passes through time that pushes and pulls the waning of the music. and sometimes this includes the way it is produced. i personally feel vanessa is having an extremely successful career and is also very good to her fans for this and a number of reasons. of course money and personal gain play into the picture, they are natural. but the heart of the matter when it comes to music, is to express something, share it with somebody, and you better pray it touches someone. vanessa, i find has a very loyal and healthy fan base for the real fans that she does have. on a massive scale when you think about it. she has those fans for a reason. there are so many great artist emerging on the underground and indie scenes. indie is the way to go. this gives anyone a chance to put some music out in one form or another, and many of those people may never have shared those songs had they had no other way. this is creating more music to be shared, because the flow, for lack of a better term at this moment, needs to keep touching people on a personal, intimate level. and this new intimacy is important because people are going to need to be able to find more strength in the future for what may come. but vanessa, she has this dying opportunity that very few may ever have again: to have access to major label production and distribution.studies are showing that within just a few years major labels will be obsolete, or will have long sense died out. this gives her a means to touch a larger number of people. and sometimes to do that there are compromises. i am sure, especially when it comes to the production of heroes and thieves, there were some major compromises that she may not have felt best, but none the less needed to be made. this album has been more successful than harmonium because of it. although harmonium will always be my 'favorite album of all time'. and also, she is human. she wants to experiance things, needs to grow and heal just like everyone else. so, if she takes time to do that, that's just a sign that despite the fame and what not she has her priorities in order. so, the moral of the story is this, my friends: vanessa carlton rocks.
yes, that is a shameless self-promotional myspace plug.


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this is probably how it is, depending on how you see things.
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2009, 03:44:24 pm »
Umm yes Vanessa rocks! .... She doesnt need to go "Indie" its her career.(indie is not even a type of music, it means indiependent AKA no record label)


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this is probably how it is, depending on how you see things.
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2009, 04:47:23 pm »
obviously vanessa is an extremely gifted woman. whether she go indie or stay with a company [whether that be switch to another or stay with irv], she will do well. she's a determined woman who has in a sense experienced a lot of rejection with her huge hit, then a flop, then going away for 2 years, and switich labels, etc.
indie is great in my opinion, and there are so many artists with talent, and determination. vic anselmo is amazing!