I'm not going to tell anyone what to do with their own lives, but just don't try to force your opinions on me. That's who I am, and if I can't be that, then we have a problem.
Do you mean you are against same sex marriage (I'm a bit confused by this thread as I don't know what the "protect marriage" thing is....)? What is your opinion?
I don't know what "protect marriage" would mean because so many straight couples get divorced...
I think what people usually mean by protecting marriage is keeping it between a man and a woman.
Let me explain my position on the matter. I do not personally intend to take any action against same-sex marriages. I do not intend to ever be involved in one. But please don't ask me to recognize one because it really doesn't make any more difference whether or not I recognize one marriage than it does another.
For example: There are two men in a second-floor apartment just west of downtown Boston who have been living together for eight years, and now they just got married in a legal ceremony this summer. There is a man and a woman who have been married for over twenty years living in a white vinyl-siding house on W. Maple St. in Livonia, Mich.
Doesn't either one of those marriages make any difference to me, and neither couple should care whether I think their marriage is right or wrong. What I believe would be wrong would be for either of them to try to ram their opinion into my ear as if it would make me a better person for agreeing with them. The couple from Michigan probably wouldn't do that, but that couple in Boston are a vocal pair.
My point is that other people are free to do as it pleases them. I'm not going to stop them, but they shouldn't count on my approval because they don't need it.
On the other hand, the people who are against same-sex marriage have just as much right to speak their opinions and to be heard as anyone else. This is America, and that's how it works.