So I was just so bored since, due to swan flu, in Argentina they closed schools, and I was watching Vanessa's video
White Houses and I found very funny things, that are really very silly, but maybe, you'd never seen them before, and well... here they go:

Had you realised, that around 00:15, there is dog jumping off the couch, next to Vanessa? It's so weird!

-more or less- 00:27, there is a man/mannequin behind her (while she is dancing) leaned over the wall, with a white t-shirt. But when the camera approches her again in (more or less) 00:32, the mannequin is no longer there!
no desespereis amigos, in
(around!) 00:39, our friend the mannequin appears again.
But he disappears again in the next shot.

It's so odd!! Please look at that, hahaha.-

Around 00:45, there is a photo of her, when she was a little girl, dancing ballet. The picture is huge there is no way you didn't saw it.
So cute (L)

This is awesome: around 2:10 to 2:15, do you realise she makes a kind of
moonwalk of Michael Jackson (God bless him)?? Is great!!

This is stupid, but the glass of water in 2:20. Makes me laugh, it seems that is going to fall

I think this is the best part of the video: around 2:23 (just then of the scene of the glass of water) Vanessa stares at her picture and tries to imitate her... It's so amazing !! Watch it out.

The view of the roof at 3:07. That's a bungalow right?
Okay, that's pretty much it.
Hope you enjoyed it!!