I am nearly 30, and most people would think I look at least 18 lol.
Honestly, not sure how THEY feel about it(I'd like to know to be honest so I don't feel bad), but I hate not looking my age. I am sure other people are the same way lol.
I would say 30 is young but apparently that's when you may start to feel young. My sister is taking it harder than I am
Only thing that happened to me was she found a gray hair in my hair
They look great though! I'd guess in their 20s. I guess just keeping a good diet, exercise program, etc helps
(I think heard V smokes sometimes? I pressume Sara smokes because she talked about it in a song but what would I know lol).
I still love that V and Ingrid was in her video. Now it would have been a bit more awesome if Michelle was in it
(Instead of that redhaired dude).