I was thinking about this last night after meeting Vanessa for the first time (and how I felt rude and she was perfectly nice). If someone is negative all the time, that energy is out there. It comes off you in waves and people don't want to be around it, even if they don't know exactly why they can't put their finger on why they may not like someone. Some people are super sensitive to energies. So, if Vanessa is sensitive to the energies around us in this world, which she may very well be based on things she has said, things she reads, etc. then she may respond to negative energies she feels from people by being dismissive, and possible rude (and other times, I'm sure she's just tired because I know I'm no angel when I haven't slept well). This is just my theory. Very new-agey I know. But whatever you put out there in the universe it comes back to in threes, so if you want to be negative all the time, then negative things will keep on happening.