Author Topic: London  (Read 54367 times)


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Re: London
« Reply #105 on: May 19, 2011, 12:06:15 pm »
I think 'London' is a grower...

I have to go with Sarab on this one: I enjoyed and connected with London immediately.  Once the "good" quality version of it was featured on YouTube (the one from Hotel Cafe some time in March), I loved it immediately.  Uncanny timing or not...the lyrics just seem to be fitting what I was going to.  Fairweather Friends for me was a grower. :P

ha! me too with FWF! :)

lavender skies

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Re: London
« Reply #106 on: May 19, 2011, 06:46:44 pm »
I think 'London' is a grower...

Yes, it definitely was for me.


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Re: London
« Reply #107 on: November 09, 2011, 02:34:36 am »
I have always loved this song but lately it's been on repeat.  Once again, as I was driving (at night) and listening to the song I was suddenly struck by the notion that this one is about her family.  After revealing that she was estranged from her parents, I see that the lyrics can be related to that, especially "you've got a knife-throwing kind of love but your silence cuts the deepest."  To me that's desscribing a family that will fight and yell but make up -- but this time there is nothing - no talking, no fighthing - and that hurts worse than the fights.  I have always loved this line.  I always thought it pertained to a lover of sorts.  But then I started having a familial issue of my own: my sister who lives in AZ (me in NY) was in NY but never even told me! I found out on facebook of all places.  So I totally relate to silence hurting worse than fighting words.  Then there are all the lines about faith - at least in my opinion they are about faith - "after all these years I'll never learn that heavenly creature never come" could be the reason they had been estranged - Vanessa coming to her own conclusions about religion and faith that differ from her parents. 
The album version of the song is not the best version, but I think it's still my fav on this album.