Author Topic: 11/16/2013 SoHo Santa Barbara  (Read 2385 times)


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11/16/2013 SoHo Santa Barbara
« on: November 21, 2013, 10:37:51 am »
I posted this on the Phantom Friends Facebook group but thought I'd share here.

I won one of the Meet and Greets with Vanessa at the Santa Barbara show.  We got to meet her during Birdcloud's set for a few minutes. She was in a really tiny room and it barely fit the other Meet and Greet people, her and her manager.

She was awesome and really friendly.  I got my picture taken with her and she signed my vinyl of Rabbits.  I snapped a picture of Victor relaxing, too.

My friend snagged Skye's set list after they left the stage (it has his pedal notes written on it).  Marching Line was listed but they didn't play it.

Birdcloud left their set list right next to my table so I grabbed that, too.

Here is the video of her full set:

Me and Vanessa:


Skye's Set List: