Well, my friend is going to ask my crush (everyone says he likes me and I've caught him staring at me a few times) to go with me, her and another one of our friends and she wants me to tell her where I want to go but I have no idea where to go!! Can you help me figure out a good place to go on a first sort of date? lol :lol: :oops: :wink:
First of all if you cant ask the guy out yourself..how do you expect or think it will be to "actually" be around him....if i learned anything never get someone else to do the asking because the guy will think ya chicken..you have to be confient about things....if he says no..then move on and keep smiling, if he says yea..then thats amazing! I guess i'm different...when it comes to most people....
hmm...i wouldnt actually call this a
cool thing though..if other people is involved..i could never do that..i want to be alone with my guy..its the best way t get to know each other better..etc.
Also....its not really about the place...that isnt really important here..the important thing is to make sure the person you are with is enjoying themselves and you are being comfortable...there is no perfect date..there is no perfect place.. dont get me wrong...i.love dancing, taking long walks,the ocean, the moonlight,staring at the stars& the beach of course =) .but most importantly the only thing is being with that person would make things seem great and nothing else would seem to matter then to feel the love, happiness ,laughter, wonder and anything else around us quite frankly..lol