Several weeks ago, I believe I did say I would buy a 25-minute album of random chords and incoherent mumbling (as if some dialect of Ozzese) should someone have a tape recorder handy when there's a sloppy-faced Vanessa in the house.
But all that aside, whoever it is, you're going to have fans who will love anything, buy anything, fall to their knees over anything, and whatever else. People are weird. I should know. A list of all the different Beatles merchandise that's been sold over the years would rival the Anthology in size if published in book form. Elvis is another perfect example---How much did someone pay for his toenail clippings?! 8O
This kind of thing isn't new either, by far. Even Shakspere wrote in the lines of his play 'Julius Caesar' that the people would try to pluck hairs from Caesar's head as souvenirs.
People are just nutty. And obsessive. What causes that? What did Vanessa do to us to make us choose her? And what does she think about it? It seems to me that she's embraced it. She has quickly gotten comfortable with the license we've all given her to be as nutty as she really is in front of all of us. It's both a factor and a result of the wonderful connection Vanessa has with her fans. I should write a book.