It was sooooooooo depressing Matt & Christmas! Today!! After practice . . .
1) My Dad yelled at me for not eating meat.
2) Out of pite, my Dad made me go to the store ad buy ONLY meat. Not for me, but for him. I don't know what that was about.\
3) I heard, like, 7,000 songs that remned me of Summer in the store. I was awful! Everyone wants me to be miserable until school's out.
4) I got home, and got in the shower, where I was pleased to findm there was no ht water.
5) There's no orange juice in this house!!!
What is the world coming to when I can't have a cup of coffee . . . much less a glass of orange juice a day?!
You can be a psycho if you'd like. If I can still mispronounce stupid.