Author Topic: I will not be held back.  (Read 7826 times)

Katia's Lover

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I will not be held back.
« on: June 02, 2003, 11:46:57 am »
My apologies to everyone that this thread pisses off.  But if someone's going to call me out, I'm going to answer.  Just the way I am.

These are 22 threads that have been locked because for some reason, the posters did not follow the simple rules of the board.  Take a look at every single one of them.  Please.  Just do it.  JUST DO IT!!!

The worst part of this is the fact that this is JUST the first page of each board.  If I wanted to, I could find 35 more.

Quote from: "Ms. Redd"
Okay... I think I've kept my mouth shut with how much you've been getting on my nerves, I think I've been pretty kind by not jumping the gun and flipping out right away.

But (Todd is it?) you've been really negative toward the "O-boarders" ever since I've been here. Maybe you NEED to name names because otherwise I think your just pissing a lot of really nice people off. Me being one of them. Call me a retard for no good reason, of course I'm going to get mad.

Katia, Tricia- Hear me out... If threads are going to get locked or deleted, let it be for a good reason. Let this thread get locked because of the fact that there is people/group bashing. I don't like being bashed and I'm ABOUT to get angry. Even more so than I already am.

Mods, lock this please. Kev, you've voiced your opinion too, "Long live the O-Board" for the reason that GSU stated...

Look at these links above and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about--blatant and ignorant abuse of the rules.  If I'm pissing people off because I'm not afraid to tell them that they are breaking rules--so be it.  I'm not calling them retards for no reason--I'm calling them retards cuz they act like it.

Quote from: "highwaycruiser"
What puzzles me is that on one hand the management team over here wants new people to come... yet on the other hand they don't seem to (as suggested by the above quote).

If you expect new people to come and join, you have to expect that there will naturally be changes in the "atmosphere" over here. If you wanted the way it was 'before all the retards came over here,' you could have simply let in only those people you like and exclude others. It is a private board, after all.. and nobody can stop you from doing it if you wanted to. But if you want it to be for everyone... you have to be willing to accept the changes that will--not may--occur.

I've stated my feelings before, partly in threads over here (like the one about making the official fan club), in selected threads on Vanessa's board, and in PMs to someone in management over here.

The easy and obvious solution I chose was to simply not visit here as often as I used to.

Of course I can't speak for management, but yes they can keep whatever atmosphere they would like on this board.  Just because certain posters come from a board with little/no moderation and where those posters had the run of the board does NOT mean that they have the same right to here.  

Quote from: "logical x"
Its just obvious that there are loopholes in the way things are run here, i complain about something and it doesnt matter, i whined to a few mods about the "official sex thread" even though ive posted in it i dont think its appropriate..out of due respect for younger people, and you know damn well Mal that if your mom saw that thread she would flip....yet we can make a thread just looking to talk in general about non offending things and we get slammed for it. Its completely wrong in every manner....this is the OT section, if your gonna let people break one rule here then you cant really enforce every other rule to the T, you have to either make new rules or let rules slide

No, you do NOT get slammed for 'just looking to talk in general about non offending things'.  What you do get slammed for is creating threads like 'Hey Mal' instead of talking through AIM, Yahoo, etc. etc.  

And if a person finds this site, listens to Vanessa Carlton, and can read, I don't see how a 'sex thread' is going to kill them... it's a part of life.  Maybe we should lock the 'official what "r u" drinking thread' too since I said I was drinking Sex on the Beach--you know kids shouldn't know about alcohol.  

Furthermore, I have absolutely NO problem with the three of you.  We just have differing opinions.  You three have been three of the best "o-boarders" that have come over here.  It's sad that the ignorance of the few have made you guys look bad to us NH boarders--it really is.  Not all of the "o-boarders" are "retards".  Never said that--but there are a few that are (I would hope from your discussions on that board that you realize this) complete retards that fail to think on occasion.

I would also argue what separates the two boards MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE is the age issue.  I think MOST of the people that inhabit this board more than the VCMB are college students, what have you.  While the people that more likely frequent the VCMB more than the NHMB aren't as 'aged'.  We simply don't grasp how you can make 20 threads in one day and this that and the other--we see it as childish.  For you guys, it's second nature.

In the end, if you've got a problem with me, you can't take it out on Katia, Kev (all three of 'em), Joe, Nikkee (I'll kick your ass if you do... haha), Let, Trish, etc. etc.  You take it out on me!  "How do I do that" you ask?!  My AIM is GSUCarltonFan (easy to remember).  We'll sit down to a hot cup of cocoa and chit chat.  IF YOU'VE GOT A PROBLEM WITH ME--BRING IT TO ME.  I'm sure I'll explain myself clearly.

OH AND EDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!:  This will be my last topic/reply on discussion of "o-boarders" "new-boarders" "surf boarders" or "cool boarders".  Any more clarification will have to be either done through email or AIM.
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I will not be held back.
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2003, 12:26:47 pm »
This thread is open for business again. Please keep all discussion of this issue within this thread. That was we can work through the issue and those who want to avoid it can :)

My opinion: The whole issue stems from the misunderstanding that when people complain about annoying people from the o-board, that they are refering to every o-board member. This is not true (at least in every case I've seen)

Brian said it well in another thread.

Quote from: "BWilli"
infact, i didnt think most of us caused any probs.....with the exception of a few attention seekers.....

This is certainly true, and only those "attention seekers" are the ones Todd and I were refering to.



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« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2003, 12:28:07 pm »

that's all i have to say



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« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2003, 12:29:29 pm »
Quote from: "JazzyManda"
very well put :P
I <3 Nicole

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Logikal X

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« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2003, 12:29:45 pm »
We are all fans here, if someone is not a fan or being a jerk or immature i see that their thread being locked is fine, but i dont see why one fan who likes to complain about fans who just want to chat gets ultimate say in the matter.....When you refer to o boarders as retards i dont care if im not included in the statement by some means i shoudl just know im not a retard, those board members, mostly of a younger age group i agree are the board members i was with every day, i respect and like many of them, even ones who PW sometimes.....i am an o boarder, and always will be, and when someone refers to o boarders i include myself in the group out of respect for my fellow o boarders irregardless of their maturity or sheer lack of knowledge on Vanessa
Quote from: "ReSpektDaFrenziedEVanesSa"
But I have to say I love the feeling of anything going up my butt, it just drives me wild.


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I will not be held back.
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2003, 12:35:14 pm »
Quote from: "Logikal X"
i am an o boarder, and always will be, and when someone refers to o boarders i include myself in the group out of respect for my fellow o boarders irregardless of their maturity or sheer lack of knowledge on Vanessa

Then any offense you take is your own making and your own choice. We have said that we were only refering to a minority of people (yourself excluded). If you wish to include yourself in that group against the intention of the author of the statements, then any offense you take is entirely your own choice. There is no grounds for complaint.

Of course, If you mean that you take offense at the word retard being applied to others, that is different and I agree with you. It could have been put better, but that's a side issue.


Logikal X

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« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2003, 12:44:37 pm »
The problem here is i like the minority of people being referred to, therefore refuse to liberate myself from them
Quote from: "ReSpektDaFrenziedEVanesSa"
But I have to say I love the feeling of anything going up my butt, it just drives me wild.

Katia's Lover

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I will not be held back.
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2003, 12:46:26 pm »
Quote from: "Logikal X"
The problem here is i like the minority of people being referred to, therefore refuse to liberate myself from them

I'm finished with it.  I really am--all of this "he said, she said" bullshit is really tiring.

I will be the man.

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I'm on a mission to piss the world off.  Is it your turn yet?!


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« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2003, 12:51:28 pm »
Quote from: "Logikal X"
The problem here is i like the minority of people being referred to, therefore refuse to liberate myself from them

Then my first point stands. That's up to you.

Those who repeatedly break the rules ruin the board for those who like, accept and enjoy the environment created by those rules. Raising complaints about rule breakers is acceptable (even if the way in which it was phrased isn't), just as raising complaints about other aspects of the forum is acceptable.



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« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2003, 12:59:48 pm »
Thanks for clarifying who you were referring to, Todd and Kev.

There is a lot of thoughts and opinions I have formulated on this board, and as I did post... one member of management here knows how I feel.  

Despite the fact that we have more or less clarified this matter, there have been issues that have bothered me and remain unresolved/unaddressed... so unfortunately I have already made up my mind about how often I'll post over here and support it.  I have been a member of Vanessa's board since May 2002, so I'm certainly no Johnny-come-lately who doesn't know what he/she is talking about.  I've seen it all.  I used to contribute to this site a lot more (ie, doing chart updates and stuff) but now the heart isn't really in it anymore... so I pulled the plug on that 4 weeks ago.

A growing number of fans are feeling alienated and as a result, have lost a lot of confidence in the way things are being handled, and as a result, are not happy.  I said what I had to say before... as far as I'm concerned the ball is in their court.  If they choose to look into it, that's great... if not, I don't really care anymore.  It's not my board... it's theirs and they have every right to run it however way they feel and we ultimately have no right to complain.

But if you're willing to listen... I'm willing to talk.  Just click on my profile to get my e-mail address and email me.


Katia's Lover

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Re: ...
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2003, 01:02:44 pm »
Quote from: "highwaycruiser"
Thanks for clarifying who you were referring to, Todd and Kev.

There is a lot of thoughts and opinions I have formulated on this board, and as I did post... one member of management here knows how I feel.  

Despite the fact that we have more or less clarified this matter, there have been issues that have bothered me and remain unresolved/unaddressed... so unfortunately I have already made up my mind about how often I'll post over here and support it.  I have been a member of Vanessa's board since May 2002, so I'm certainly no Johnny-come-lately who doesn't know what he/she is talking about.  I've seen it all.  I used to contribute to this site a lot more (ie, doing chart updates and stuff) but now the heart isn't really in it anymore... so I pulled the plug on that 4 weeks ago.

A growing number of fans are feeling alienated and as a result, have lost a lot of confidence in the way things are being handled, and as a result, are not happy.  I said what I had to say before... as far as I'm concerned the ball is in their court.  If they choose to look into it, that's great... if not, I don't really care anymore.  It's not my board... it's theirs and they have every right to run it however way they feel and we ultimately have no right to complain.

But if you're willing to listen... I'm willing to talk.  Just click on my profile to get my e-mail address and email me.


Now THAT was a post!!!  

I like you.... haha.
katiakaysha: you win
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I'm on a mission to piss the world off.  Is it your turn yet?!


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Re: ...
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2003, 01:06:53 pm »
Quote from: "highwaycruiser"
It's not my board... it's theirs and they have every right to run it however way they feel and we ultimately have no right to complain.

I don't feel this way. I'd personally like to hear complaints if they are put reasonably and respectfully. I don't consider it my board and I'm pretty sure none of the other mods do. It's a board for Vanessa Carlton fans and your input is more than welcome as far as I'm concerned.

Quote from: "highwaycruiser"
But if you're willing to listen... I'm willing to talk.  Just click on my profile to get my e-mail address and email me.

Why not post it? That's what the thread is for. I not, I'd be interested in listening to the issues you have.



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Re: I will not be held back.
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2003, 01:09:12 pm »
Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"

OH AND EDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!:  This will be my last topic/reply on discussion of "o-boarders" "new-boarders" "surf boarders" or "cool boarders".  Any more clarification will have to be either done through email or AIM.

you should leave the surf boarders alone, i mean just watch "surf girls" they are*knows thats not the point of thread*

I haven't read the replies...but this was tried at the other board, and it did not successed for ignorance, dissrespect, and just plain and simple idiots of the world, and cyber world.

Katia's Lover

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Re: I will not be held back.
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2003, 01:10:53 pm »
Quote from: "LimeTwister"
Quote from: "GSUCarltonFan"

OH AND EDIT!!!!!!!!!!!!:  This will be my last topic/reply on discussion of "o-boarders" "new-boarders" "surf boarders" or "cool boarders".  Any more clarification will have to be either done through email or AIM.

you should leave the surf boarders alone, i mean just watch "surf girls" they are*knows thats not the point of thread*

I haven't read the replies...but this was tried at the other board, and it did not successed for ignorance, dissrespect, and just plain and simple idots of the world, and cyber world.

I HATE THAT SHOW!  Which is wierd, cuz I usually love shows with half-naked chicks on them.

But actually Lime, these two threads have worked thus far.  It's become a heated debate--which is very constructive.  No namecalling--yet.  And if there is any, it won't come from this keyboard.
katiakaysha: you win
katiakaysha: you're right

I'm on a mission to piss the world off.  Is it your turn yet?!


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« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2003, 01:14:25 pm »
I like what you are doing, big ups to you lol...

*likes surf girls, and is strangely addicted to that sorority life*