I have 4 cats.... One of them, Dusty, is a little brat and goes in and out of the house often.. Another cat, the only male cat has the most girlish annoying meow I've ever heard and the only thing he cleans is his umm.. crotch.. another, Shammy(short for Shammoo), is a really fat cat that can actually catch chipmunks!! She's a sweety but she's quite lazy, unless she wants to hunt... then, there's Twilight(we've had her for 12 years so we didn't name her because of Nessa's song..).. She is the most annoying cat!! She stays inside all the time.. She sleeps on my bed all the time, she leaves a handful of fur on my bed evertime she gets up, when she's out of my room and my doors closed, she wants in and starts pawing at the door and meowing like a maniac.... and, recently, she's started doing her business in my room, I don't mean puking, I don't mean peeing... yeah, I mean the other nasty thing... So, that is why I hate that cat... I love almost all other cats though...