Author Topic: My horoscope knows me too well...  (Read 1671 times)


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My horoscope knows me too well...
« on: June 12, 2003, 05:50:17 am »
"This is an important day for you, dear Taurus, especially if you are an artist." This is an important day for me, somewhat, I have all this stuff due...then I have a Drama performance...our final that we've been working our asses off for the past couple horoscopes are almost always right, I think it's kind of freaky. I always go to the Yahoo one's...


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My horoscope knows me too well...
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2003, 05:57:15 am »
they're almost always right, because they put such a broad prediction, it contains to almost everyone who reads it...

*tries to sound smart*


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My horoscope knows me too well...
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2003, 06:45:49 pm »
Haha, well our drama performance wen't ok...I mean the audience couldn't tell we screwed up the whole time, LOL but my teacher was laughing when it was over, haha

We like added scenes in there, skiped some scenes, added some words in, improved, everyone was freaking out backstage, man oh man I will never forget it, lmao

Oh and our group got the biggest audience to, the whole auditorium was filled up pratically, and my cute P.E. teacher saw us, I asked him if he saw me in the play and he was all "yeah I did" and gave me a high five, and said good job woohoo LOL


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« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2003, 12:05:18 pm »
my horoscope is almost never right... I'm like the opposite of most other Virgos, lol... I mean, I'm not organized, I'm not tidy, I'm not a perfectionist, I don't pay attention to every little detail of something... So, yeah... I'm the opposite of my own sign! lol