I went to a restaurant today and I couldn't decide between a Vanilla Coke and a Cherry Coke, and I asked the waitress who had an oddly European accent :wink:, and she said that in her coutnry they don't have cokes so she wouldn't know (or something like that), and I asked her where she was from and she said Europe. When she came back I asked her where in Europe and she said Slovakia. Me and my mom had a cow. It was hilarious, (as some of you may know I am oddly obsessed with Slovakia and the Slovak language and I have never met a Slovak). I told her that and she was like "What do you know in Slovak", and I tried to talk and she corrected me, etc. Then later on she got her friend from Slovakia who was also waitressing there and told her something in Slovak. And she was like baffled, it was hilarious. And the whole time we would be exchanging Slovak. "Dakujem!" "Nie je za cho!" Etc. She was in KEntucky because that was where her sister worked and they were studying medical stuff here. It was cool. Didn't you say that your grandfather spoke Slovak, Rosie?
That was no exams and my SLOVAK adventure. :wink: