What in the blue monkey?!
"Cold Hard Bitch" is debueting at #46 on the Active Rock total airplay charts. "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" moved up 3 this week to #20! AYGBMG is still gaining play so I don't see why the fuck the new single is around. Although, it could be like Britney Spears "I Got That Boom Boom" the local station here played out "Me Against The Music" so they picked up that song after. So maybe it's not the next single just a fill in?
Either way, someone's wacked out, they got 123 so I'm thinking their record label has no brains to release the single now!
Even just last night on the "Rockin Top 9 at 9"
4. Jet "Are You Gonna Be My Girl"
haha! But see, people still like it!