well, i can say that i wont be downloading those, considering that they are crapper versions, and they weren't even sopposed to be mp3's yet.
im fine with waiting. i suggest that other people wait too, but i cant tell anyone what to do.
if you want to waste space on your computer by downloading these, because you cant wait a couple days(weeks? i donno) just to hear the songs... then wow, go ahead and do it.
STFU, Kulp. It's admirable that Charles is willing to host the files for the community. I am sure that if T wanted them down she would ask him to take them down, and I am also sure that Charles would do so if asked.
Since the files got leaked early, there is no reason to try and play hide and seek games. The best version will still be the one everyone is getting on CD either from Tricia or from me... but frankly, a bad version is still better than no version.
Consider it an appetizer.
Also, on a related note, I was expecting the B&P to start at the end of this past week, but there were some hangups. I should have my copy of the CD early next week and I will do as fast a turn around as I can once I get the material. The votes should be over by now... i'll check the results in a minute.