Maybe you can answer a question for me. I was under the impression that the royal family in England had no real power, other than being figureheads and the power that money brings.
What are their responsibilities? What kind of powers do they have? What do you think would happen if they stepped down from power?
Well, they do have power. But kind of false power if you see what i mean. Let me explain myself: The Queen opens parliament each year and makes a speech outlining the main proposed bills for the parliamentry session. She also has to sign each bill for them to be instated into law. She also has final decision over whether to approve the prime minister into his position.
So in that respect she does have power. But the fact is, if she refused to sign a certain bill into parliament,
she would be thrown out. If she refused to approve the prime minister,
she would be thrown out.She is a constitutional monarch.
And I'm wondering, what do you personally have against a presidential system? Don't like how it works out in the US?
I couldn't hate the idea more of having a president. The monarch almost acts as a buffer to ensure the PM doesn't feel like he is totally in charge of the whole of the country. And obviously, he IS but he isn't head of state. I hate the royal family- i hate them a LOT, they take our taxes so the queen can wear a new ugly outfit everyday but i despise the idea of having a president.