Daniel, i think you are asking the wrong questions. The better question is, if God knows EVERYTHING then he also knows every choice HE will (has already?) make. Therefore, can God change his mind? The universal "omnipotence means he can do anything that is not a logical impossibility" theological statement tries to fill this in but it falls short IMHO.
My favorite philisophical question (ala Homer Simpson): Could God make a burrito so hot even he couldn't eat it? :wink:
As much as it pains me to disagree with anything Homer Simpson says,
Challenge: Can God heat a burrito so hot that even he can't eat it?
Response: Yes, because God is omnipotent.
Challenge: In that case God isn't omnipotent because he can't eat a sufficiently hot burrito
Response: Yes He can, because God is omnipotent.
Challenge: How can God do both?
Response: Because God is omnipotent
Why should God be bound by the laws of logic He instigated for His creation any more than he should be bound by His own natural laws of science?
Somebody might make the argument that God couldn't have made the universe from nothing because it violates the law of conservation of mass-energy. Obviously this argument only applies to a God bound by His own created laws. As the Christian God does fit into this definition domain, the argument is irrelevant to the God of the bible.
In the same way, the laws of logic (Non-Contradiction, Excluded Middle, etc.) are based on observations we have made within creation. For example, it is never observed that an object is both hot and cold at the same time. Any argument based on these laws falls into the same irrelevancy as the previous argument when applied directly to the omnipotent God of the bible.