oooooooh! *duhness* i get what you're saying! yeah, my dermatologist is an iraqi, and he moved to the us right after Saddam started to gain power in the early '80's. He's only ever shared one story about what Saddam has done, and that was about his best friend who knew Saddam. He told Saddam how something that he was doing (i forget what) was harmful to everyone and he shouldn't do it anymore, so Saddam said something like "oh, come in to my office, and we'll talk about it." well, the man went with him but never came back out. Saddam shot him.
i'm sorry, but things like this just make me feel no sympathy. i mean, if what saddam wants is to die, then i say keep him alive and make him suffer. otherwise, shoot the f*cker. he gets what he deserves.