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Author Topic: American Drinking Age  (Read 7855 times)


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American Drinking Age
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2004, 07:00:53 pm »
Quote from: "LimeTwister"
Quote from: "Maverick"

I guess I'm the only one who is going to reply who chose 21, so I will explain. Drunk Driving.

because ya know, people over 21 don't drink and drive....

Yes of course, people over 21 drink and drive. BUT, normally once people reach 21 they have slightly more brains than they do at 18, and if you think about it, and have seen it, alot of people who are 18-20 think they can drink and then handle driving. I've heard lots of kids talking about how they think they drive better drunk as compared to sober.

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American Drinking Age
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2004, 07:16:11 pm »
that makes those people idiots...sadly many people don't grow out of that.

I mean I see where you're coming from, but age doesn't really make a difference.  At the same time, people drink under 21 anyway. (obviously the people you know are drinking under age...)  Why make something Illegal, if it's going to happen anyway?...It's stupidity, not age (yes, it ties in with age...).if the person is too stupid to figure out Driving while drunk is stupid, it's not going to hit them until they actually DO or SEE the dangers for themselves.


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American Drinking Age
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2004, 07:30:08 pm »
I say lower it to at least 18 and raise the driving age.

I think the reason why drinking underage is so popular or seen as cool is because it is "forbidden", so it makes kids think its like some amazing thing adults are trying to keep them from. So its like rebellion to drink illegally. If kids were allowed to have a little wine or beer with dinner it wouldnt be so tempting to go out and get trashed in secret.

Thats just my theory. I'm sure it wouldnt work for all teenagers, but I it just seems like there isn't as big a problem with drunk driving and stuff in other countries where the legal age is lower, so there might be something to it.


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American Drinking Age
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2004, 07:32:08 pm »
Generally I think that there being a legal drinking age has become a joke. The people who REALLY want to drink are going to go get plastered whether they are 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, or whatever.

However, I think it would make theoretical sense if the age were 18, but eh. lol
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American Drinking Age
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2004, 07:39:36 pm »
Quote from: "CheapandEvilgrl"
If kids were allowed to have a little wine or beer with dinner it wouldnt be so tempting to go out and get trashed in secret.

My parents feel the same way...

can I tell you I hate beer...lol and I like some wine, but I like mix drinks better....but um yea :).


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American Drinking Age
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2004, 09:18:36 am »
well you only recieve your drivers license at 16 - so 18 is pretty young to drink - because i know a shit load of irresponsible 18 yr olds --- but they drink anyway --- i always believed if you are old enough to fight you are old enough to drink - so i agree with both 21 and 18  - i think 18 is fare - it was 18 when my father first drank --- however my fathers generation was obviously more responsible - yet i also say 21 - because you gain a bit more common sense by the time you are 21 --- whatever either way someone get screwed


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American Drinking Age
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2004, 09:23:20 am »
Quote from: "divasteph"
well you only recieve your drivers license at 16

ha!  I wish


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American Drinking Age
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2004, 11:30:19 am »
true i didnt get my license til i was 18 - and didnt really drive much until i was 20 --- and now i am 22 - but with age comes a bit more sense i believe (knock on wood) - i have never been in an accicent with a moving object --- only stationary ones !!! (damn yellow pole!)


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American Drinking Age
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2004, 11:47:56 am »
Quote from: "CheapandEvilgrl"
I say lower it to at least 18 and raise the driving age.

I think the reason why drinking underage is so popular or seen as cool is because it is "forbidden", so it makes kids think its like some amazing thing adults are trying to keep them from. So its like rebellion to drink illegally. If kids were allowed to have a little wine or beer with dinner it wouldnt be so tempting to go out and get trashed in secret.

Thats just my theory. I'm sure it wouldnt work for all teenagers, but I it just seems like there isn't as big a problem with drunk driving and stuff in other countries where the legal age is lower, so there might be something to it.

I agree, you can drive here at 17 and people are still so irresponsible. I think 16 is SO young! At least with driving that really is something you can limit- because people just won't know how. Anyone can pick up a drink, some people here are taught their limits by their parents by drinking at home- those are the people who drink sensibly in my opinion.

 and Daniel, like limey said- you are going to drink and drive whether its legal for you to drink or not, so thats a flawed argument.
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American Drinking Age
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2004, 04:51:45 pm »

Woop . . . Woop, that's when I started drinking 8O

Nope, I don't consider a glass of wine or a few sips of beer or whiskey drinking, so . . .

Anyway! Back on subject. Honestly, I say make it 16. A lot of people I know started drinking like "adults" at that age, and they never had alcohol issues or anything (besides my faja but we won't get into it). Granted, kids are stupid and they'll drink while they're driving at points - Kids do that NOW. But why punish kids (This is hypothetically, in Cece's World) who DIDN'T drink and drive at 16, for what retards did? Why aren't we allowing GOOD kids to drink legally at 16 because of what the bad ones did in Cece's World? We don't know. Everything (i.e. adulthood, drinking, driving, emancipation) should start at the age of 16. When problems arise, beome more strict, punish those who broke the law harder!


I know I'm going to get yelled atttttttttt, but it's my opinion :(

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American Drinking Age
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2004, 06:49:19 pm »
katiakaysha: you win
katiakaysha: you're right

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American Drinking Age
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2004, 06:40:00 am »
Quote from: "PIBby"

Woop . . . Woop, that's when I started drinking 8O

Nope, I don't consider a glass of wine or a few sips of beer or whiskey drinking, so . . .

Anyway! Back on subject. Honestly, I say make it 16. A lot of people I know started drinking like "adults" at that age, and they never had alcohol issues or anything (besides my faja but we won't get into it). Granted, kids are stupid and they'll drink while they're driving at points - Kids do that NOW. But why punish kids (This is hypothetically, in Cece's World) who DIDN'T drink and drive at 16, for what retards did? Why aren't we allowing GOOD kids to drink legally at 16 because of what the bad ones did in Cece's World? We don't know. Everything (i.e. adulthood, drinking, driving, emancipation) should start at the age of 16. When problems arise, beome more strict, punish those who broke the law harder!


I know I'm going to get yelled atttttttttt, but it's my opinion :(

Putting the drinking age and driving age the same is the worst idea I have ever heard.

I think the driving age should even be pushed up past 16 to 18 or so.  16 year olds are bad drivers.
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American Drinking Age
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2004, 07:39:45 am »
I think they should make drinking illegal completely and legalize marijuana, shut the drunk driving jocks up.  Plus when have you heard of a husband who gets stoned and beats his wife, its always drunk people who mess crap up.  Or maybe they should just make being stupid illegal, punishable by death

However as proven with the prohibition in the early 1900's the idea of making alcohol illegal doesnt really work, so im not really interested in standing behind that statement, i have no idea what should be done.  Raising the driving age to 18  isnt a half bad idea though
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