For me, I hold my GOOD friends, either guy or girl, very close to my heart..haha
What I mean is, my friends are basically divided between good friends, and friends..My good friends are those who I can talk to whenever I want, and never get tired of...And so I really really really love my good friends, but as for attractions like booty call with a dude, I think that is a no.
And I thought of this a short time back...Sometimes if you're around a person, or people, and someone says something like, yeah he's a good looking guy or something, and then there is always the smartass who is like, dude are you gay? or something..So what I thought was, when guys get ready in the morning, they look at themselves in the mirror and they think about how to improve their looks, or try to fix themselves up to LOOK HOTT, but if they think they're looking hott, then damn their judging a guy...
So I just lost everyone..