Author Topic: Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?  (Read 5487 times)


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« on: April 21, 2004, 12:30:04 pm »
i heard that vanessa is going to do another duet song with a german(i think he/she is greman lol) artist called Zucchero!
the song is going to be called..."Indigo From the Eyes Of the Sky" feat. Vanessa Carlton&Haylie Ecker
suppositly it is a remake i dont know but here is a like that was helpfull...

this is the translated version of the article: (zucchero means sugar so replace the word sugar with zucchero)



The Great Baboomba on the radio friday
21 you open them 2004

First the single one (in Italy in any case) of Zu & Co "the Great Baboomba" (representing Mousse T) will be played to the stations of Italian radios friday. The single one will be in the storees (Italian) 7 May.

Tracklist Zu & Co are exited from the situated official of Queen
21 you open them 2004

The situated official of Queen ( is exited a directory of the song of the new album of Sugar "Zu & Co". We already knew more songs that would be on the album, the only surprise we are that single Macy Gray has not worked on a new version of "Like the sun to the imrpovviso" (called "Like the sun out of to nowhere" on the cd), Jeff Beck has added also a assolo. Two completely new songs will be on the album: "Mama get real" one collaboration with Mousse T. and "Everybody' s Got To Learn recorded Sometime" with Vanessa Carlton and Haylie Ecker (Bond). Of Sugar the classic songs some of the duetti have been escapes before (Without one Woman with Paul Young, Wonderful World with Eric Clapton, Wings D' Oro with John Lee Hooker, etc.) and some are completely new ("Also Love "(Pure Love) with Dolores O' Riordan, Dunes Moved with Miles Davis," Like the sun out of to nowhere "with Macy Gray and Jeff Beck). The complete directory under seems to be one of the UK version, in the Italian version "Mama get real" the large one is called "boomba" perhaps and the other titles them of song are in Italian. Here the tracklist for the listed Italian version like to the situated one of German Polydor:

1 Moved Dunes feat. Miles Davis
2 Muoio For You feat. Sting
3 Indigo From the Eyes Of the Sky feat. Vanessa Carlton&Haylie Ecker
4 the Great Baboomba feat. Mousse T
5 Like The Sun - From Out Of Nowhere feat. Jeff Beck&Macy Grey
6 Baila Moraine feat. Mana
7 Wings D' Oro feat. John Lee Hooker
8 Blue feat. Sheryl Crow
9 Pure Love feat. Dolores O' Riordan #
10 To Wonderful World feat. Eric Clapton
11 Pippo - Nasty Guy feat. Tom Jones
12 Hey man - Remixed Vocals (Not listed on the situated but: feat. B.B. King)
13 the Flight - The Flight feat. Ronan Keating
14 Celestial Cosi feat. Cheb Mami
15 Devil In Me - To Devil In Me feat. Solomon Burke
16 Without One Woman - Without To Woman feat. Paul Young
17 the Sea feat. Brian May
18 Miserere feat. Luciano Pavarotti&Andrea Bocelli

Here the tracklist for version UK:

1)Dune Movements feat. Miles Davis
2)Muoio For You (Mad About You) feat. Sting
3)Everybody?s Got To Learn Sometime feat. Vanessa Carlton and Haylie Ecker (Bond)
4)Pure Love feat. Dolores O?Riordan (Cranberries)
5)Mama Get Real feat. Mousse T
6)Baila Moraine feat. Maná
7)I Lay Down feat. John Lee Hooker
8)Blue feat. Sheryl Crow
9)Senza one Woman (without to woman) feat. Paul Young
10)Wonderful World feat. Eric Clapton
11)Nasty Guy (Pippo) feat. Tom Jones
12)Hey Man (Sing To Song) feat. BB King
13)The Flight (the Flight) feat. Ronan Keating
14)Cosi Celestial feat. Cheb Mami
15)Diavolo In Me feat. Solomon Burke
16)Il Impetuous Sea To The Tramonto.feat. Brian May
to 17)Miserere feat.Pavarotti and Bocelli
18(Like the Sun (From Out Of Nowhere) feat. Macy Gray and Jeff Beck

Of new, we obtained this directory from the situated official of Queen, and (therefore we do not kill the messenger).

First the single one?
20 you open them 2004

He seems that there will be two first possibility for the single one of "Zu & Co": the duetto with Vanessa Carlton, ' Everybody' s got to learn sometime' like that a single one to situated of Austrian Universal Music or ' the large one is listed baboomba ', German song DJ Mousse-T has made that it is listed on the Swiss and to the situated one of Spanish Universal Music (like El Great Baboomba). Both way; the singlo(i) will exit 3 May

One beautiful night to European Belfast/tour the dates officiale!
19 you open them 2004

Sugar will be one of the artists to a special concert in Ireland North 1 May. The concert will cordial receive the members new of the European Union and artists who will be here include Jamie Cullom, Allanis Morissete, Bob Geldof, Ronan Keating and Dolores O' Riordan. The concert will be will transmit on BBC 1 and BBC 1 NI.

The situated Sugar official has published a directory of tour dates from the this summer, one is the Belgium Suikerrock festival (where it seems corrected: -) suiker he means sugar). For the entire directory control the Section of tour

"Everybody' s got to learn sometime" with Vanessa Carlton the first single/Tourdates
14 you open them 2004

"Everybody' s Got To Learn Sometime" the song Sugar completed during the concert of the 46664 with Brian May, Roger Taylor and Sharon Corr will be first single of the new album in one the version with Vanessa Carlton. The situated one of Austrian Universal Music has single the programmed one in order to exit 3 May, 3 days before the RAH concert and 2 weeks before the album it will exit. The Spanish website ones of Music Universal has said first the single one will be "El Great Baboomba", the track recorded with Mousse T. (possibly one Spanish version).



Il Grande Baboomba sulla radio venerdì
21 aprile 2004

Il primo singolo (in Italia in ogni modo) di Zu & Co "Il Grande Baboomba" (rappresentando Mousse T) sarà suonato ai stazioni di radio italiani venerdì. Il singolo sarà nei negozi (italiani) il 7 maggio.

Tracklist Zu & Co è uscito dal sito ufficiale di Queen
21 aprile 2004

Il sito ufficiale di Queen ( è uscito un elenco delle canzone dell'album nuovo di Zucchero "Zu & Co". Noi già conoscemmo più canzoni che sarebbero sull'album, l'unica sorpresa è che non solo Macy Gray ha lavorato su una versione nuova di "Come il sole all'imrpovviso" (chiamato "Like the sun out of nowhere" sul cd), Jeff Beck ha aggiunto anche un assolo. Due canzoni completamente nuove saranno sull'album: "Mama get real" una collaborazione con Mousse T. e "Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime" registrato con Vanessa Carlton e Haylie Ecker (Bond). Delle canzoni di Zucchero classiche alcuni dei duetti sono stati usciti prima (Senza una Donna con Paul Young, Wonderful World con Eric Clapton, Ali D'Oro con John Lee Hooker, ecc.) ed alcuni sono completamente nuovi ("Pure Love" (Puro Amore) con Dolores O'Riordan, Dune Mosse con Miles Davis, "Like the sun out of nowhere" con Macy Gray e Jeff Beck). L'elenco completo sotto sembra essere una della versione di UK, nella versione italiana "Mama get real" è chiamato "Il grande boomba" e forse gli altri titoli di canzone sono in italiano. Ecco il tracklist per la versione italiana come elencato al sito di Polydor tedesco:

1 Dune Mosse feat. Miles Davis
2 Muoio Per Te feat. Sting
3 Indaco Dagli Occhi Del Cielo feat. Vanessa Carlton&Haylie Ecker
4 Il Grande Baboomba feat. Mousse T
5 Like The Sun - From Out Of Nowhere feat. Jeff Beck&Macy Grey
6 Baila Morena feat. Mana
7 Ali D'Oro feat. John Lee Hooker
8 Blue feat. Sheryl Crow
9 Pure Love feat. Dolores O'Riordan #
10 A Wonderful World feat. Eric Clapton
11 Pippo - Nasty Guy feat. Tom Jones
12 Hey man - Remixed Vocals (Not listed on the site but: feat. B.B. King)
13 Il Volo - The Flight feat. Ronan Keating
14 Cosi Celeste feat. Cheb Mami
15 Diavolo In Me - A Devil In Me feat. Solomon Burke
16 Senza Una Donna - Without A Woman feat. Paul Young
17 Il Mare feat. Brian May
18 Miserere feat. Luciano Pavarotti&Andrea Bocelli

Ecco il tracklist per la versione UK:

1)Dune Mosse feat. Miles Davis
2)Muoio Per Te (Mad About You) feat. Sting
3)Everybody’s Got To Learn Sometime feat. Vanessa Carlton and Haylie Ecker (Bond)
4)Pure Love feat. Dolores O’Riordan (Cranberries)
5)Mama Get Real feat. Mousse T
6)Baila Morena feat. Maná
7)I Lay Down feat. John Lee Hooker
8)Blue feat. Sheryl Crow
9)Senza una Donna (without a woman) feat. Paul Young
10)Wonderful World feat. Eric Clapton
11)Nasty Guy (Pippo) feat. Tom Jones
12)Hey Man (Sing A Song) feat. BB King
13)The Flight (Il Volo) feat. Ronan Keating
14)Cosi Celeste feat. Cheb Mami
15)Diavolo In Me feat. Solomon Burke
16)Il Mare Impetuoso Al Tramonto.feat. Brian May
17)Miserere feat.Pavarotti and Bocelli
18(Like the Sun (From Out Of Nowhere) feat. Macy Gray and Jeff Beck

Di nuovo, noi ottenemmo questo elenco dal sito ufficiale di Queen, e (così non uccide il messaggero).

Il primo singolo?
20 aprile 2004

Sembra che ci saranno due possibilità per il primo singolo di "Zu & Co": il duetto con Vanessa Carlton, 'Everybody's got to learn sometime' come che è elencato un singolo al sito di Musica Universale austriaco o 'Il grande baboomba', la canzone DJ tedesco Mousse-T ha fatto che è elencato sul Swiss e al sito di Spanish Universal Music (come El Grande Baboomba). Entrambi modo; il singlo(i) uscirà il 3 maggio

Una bella notte a Belfast / L'Europea tour date officiale!
19 aprile 2004

Zucchero sarà uno degli artisti ad un concerto speciale in Nord Irlanda il 1 maggio. Il concerto accoglierà cordialmente i membri nuovi dell'Unione Europea ed artisti che saranno là includono Jamie Cullom, Allanis Morissete, Bob Geldof, Ronan Keating e Dolores O'Riordan. Il concerto sarà trasmetterà su BBC 1 e BBC 1 NI.

Il sito ufficiale di Zucchero ha pubblicato un elenco di tour date dal questa estate, uno è il Belgium Suikerrock festival (dove lui sembra corretto :-) suiker significa zucchero). Per il elenco intero controllo la Sezione di tour

"Everybody's got to learn sometime" con Vanessa Carlton il primo singolo / Tourdates
14 aprile 2004

"Everybody's Got To Learn Sometime" la canzone Zucchero compiè durante il concerto del 46664 con Brian May, Roger Taylor e Sharon Corr sarà il primo singolo dell'album nuovo in una versione con Vanessa Carlton. Il sito di Musica Universale austriaco ha il singolo programmato per uscire il 3 maggio, 3 giorni prima del RAH concerto e 2 settimane prima dell'album uscirà. Il website di Musica Universali spagnole ha detto il primo singolo sarà "El Gran Baboomba", la pista registrò con Mousse T. (possibilmente una versione spagnola).

their that is all i found sofar but now imgoing to the queen page it gave to findout more


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2004, 12:32:09 pm »
just checked the queenonline and their was nothing their


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2004, 01:02:33 pm »
Topic -> Zucchero duet album; includes song w. Vanessa Carlton

registered: 4/21/2004 00:00
posts: 0
  Zu & Co.
Italian bluesrocker Zucchero is about to release a new cd (called Zu & Co.) and one of the songs is a recording with Vanessa Carlton called "Everybody's got to learn sometime" (a cover from the Korgis) and, at least in certain countries like Austria and Germany, it will be released as the first single. Other guests on the album include Miles Davis, B.B. King, Eric Clapton, Sheryl Crow, Brian May, Macy Gray, Jeff Beck, Luciano Pavarotti and Sting. The album will be released on may 14th, the single is scheduled to be released on may 3d (Everybody Got To....(feat. V. Carlton + H. Hecker)

Katalognummer: 9820095
VÖ-Datum: 03.05.2004,
posted: 4/21/2004 09:14 Reply | PM | Edit | IP

i just read about it there.
so i guess its true.  :D  
 YaYYYY!!! another duet!!!!
weEEEEE!!!! :wink:


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2004, 01:41:05 pm »
Yay!  8)
.She'd do anything to sparkle in his eye.


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2004, 02:30:31 pm »
coolness!!!  :D

Things are going crazy and I'm not sure who to blame...
November 9th 2004...H a r m o n i u m!!!
Spare me just three last words, I love you is all she heard...


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2004, 02:42:03 pm »
cool, thanks for posting!

BB King and Eric Clapton? this guys got good taste :-D


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2004, 02:55:27 pm »
when i saw it i was like no way because it was like so many big stars in it i was like freaking out i hope the piece has crazy piano :?


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2004, 02:09:57 am »
omg!!!!!! is this a miracle or what!!!!! haylie ecker (1st violin from my FAVORITE string quartet BOND) with Vanessa carlton (my fav singer songwriter) I WOULD HAVE NEVER DREAMED THIS IN MY LIFE!


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2004, 05:36:01 am »
it is being released on the 17th of may 2004!!!!!


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2004, 08:06:12 am »
Quote from: "blueglove"
it is being released on the 17th of may 2004!!!!!

AAAAHHHH!!!!! COOL!!! *runs in circles*

Things are going crazy and I'm not sure who to blame...
November 9th 2004...H a r m o n i u m!!!
Spare me just three last words, I love you is all she heard...


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2004, 11:44:06 am »
new Vanessa material!!!
yay!!!  :D
that's awesome! I can't wait to hear it!!
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to calm the storm in my heart
i've never been the praying kind
but lately i've been down upon my knees
not looking for a miracle
just a reason to believe"


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2004, 12:40:51 pm »
will it be released in the US?



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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2004, 02:09:52 pm » sis is in Italy for like another two months, I'll tell her to keep an eye out for the song..


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Vanessa Is going to do another duet!!.. with Zucchero?
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2004, 09:18:01 pm »
I'm going to be in Europe in a couple months! I hope I hear it then!
"i'm willing to do anything
to calm the storm in my heart
i've never been the praying kind
but lately i've been down upon my knees
not looking for a miracle
just a reason to believe"


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« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2004, 09:53:00 am »
Well im living in europe and not the radiostations and not the tvstations play the song, and the best of all is, noone sold the single :evil: !!!!!!Well icould buy the album but i have no idea how the song sounds so i wont wist 17€ for an album for asong where i dont know if it sonds good!!!! Well does anyiine of you know where to download the song, please tell me, or if you know the song tell me if hes good!!!!
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I turn to look and burn my eyes
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