And no - It wasn't my attempt to something profound, it was my attempt at reflecting your completely illogical statements, above, just so you could re-read them and see how stupid they were. You don't like Friends because there were very few black people. Oh - because that's a good enough reason. I've seen you mention the lack of "minorities" in Friends . . . Okay . . . So how many white people have you seen in all those black-comedy shows on WB? Very few. But who's complaining?
If you have a problem with the imbalanced skin colour appearances on Friends, then you should a problem with it in EVERY show that's only based around black people, Asians, Mexicans, and Indians and which only show blacks, Asians, Mexicans, or Indians - otherwise, I'm considering your beliefs racist.
Speaking of which . . . How many fucking Indians have you seen on TV since the television was invented? Yeah - and have I complained or refused to watch ALL TV because I never see Native Americans?
PS If you want a thread on The Parkers, make one.