have you ever predicted something would happen before it did?
Yeah....this happens to me a lot.....I can't specify one particular time....but it has....
actually....kinna freaky....about a week before Mother Teresa passed away, I was wondering when she was going to....then she did....I felt so bad for even thinking that...
which brings me to my question...
Have you ever thought that someone was going to die, and then the person died?
yes. My Bapa was really really sick when i was in 7th grade and the doctors had said that he was a little better, but in last period i just got a really bad and strong feeling that something was wrong....not necessarily that he died at that moment, but i knew he wasn't going to make it. Then i got hom and mom called me and my sis
woops, forgot a question.....
Have You Ever had a spiritual experience?i'm not talking about just like, religiously, but with spirits from others too....I had one, also about my Bapa. I was feeling really bad that i never got to say goodbye to him, and it was just hard to accept his death, and that night i had a dream that i was talking to him and he told me he was ok and that he was home...I'm not a big believer in supernatural stuff, but i do believe that it was my Bapa's way of telling me it was ok through my dream
My mom had a freaky one about him when my sister graduated. She was in the cellar getting stuff and she felt a tap on her shoulder, turned around, and saw my Bapa....and there was no one else down there 8O crazzaaayyness