thx =)
for graphics using pictures I prefer photoshop or - if you prefer corel - paint shop pro , for vector illustration - using tablets - I prefer illustrator or corel draw. I do use corel x4, but the x3 and x4 came with a couple of bugs, like the screen going blank for a while when I use the Scrolling touchpad on my laptop, so sometimes I think I should have kept my corel 12 :/
I have grave reservations about updating to Vista to be able to run Corel X4... the best part of escaping V12
of Corel will be ecsaping the MASSIVE Windows XP Installer bugs that I've seen senior Corel 12 Programmers
own up to on the Corel Forums (and experienced myself first-hand)!! Mac OS 10.5 will support my upgrade
to Corel X4, PainterX, Corel Sketch Pad (plus the 20th Anniversary Edition of Corel has a bamboo Fun thrown
in as a bonus).
And then there's the bonus of hand writing recognition software and asian character-support as well

Where my digital atrisanship will head in the next 9 months is anyone's guess, but with your benchmark to
follow Clarice, I will be drawing on as much V-inspiration as possible to push things beyond the remarkable
