i think i figured out the correct bridge oart of white houses ........ here it is....i hope you can read it.
L.H.- e, b,.....e,b.....
R.H.-......e, b,.....c#, b,
( moving down )
L.H.- b, f#,..... b, f#
R.H- ........b, f#......g#, f#
(moving down )
L.H.- g#, d#........g#, d#
R.H.- ......... g#, d#.......d#, c#,
(moving down)
L.H.- f#, c#........ f#, c#
R.H.- ........f#, c#,........b, a #
and then you play that one more time. After that you move dow a step and repeat it. All thoise notes are played serparatley. I hope you can understand this. I'm not good at writing down music.