Jophess, let's think here, okay you're right in the sense that I was wrong in saying she should die, that was rude. But you are 14 years old, people who work to sell people like Paris target young kids such as yourselves. That is how Paris is famous, she never worked to become famous, she has promoted yes...but I can bet you alot off money that she
has never worked a day in her perfume/jewelery company, because she doesn't need to, there is no reason for her to! She already has money, why is she going to work?! She's twenty-two (three? four? You can tell me.) if I was twenty-whatever and I had money, I wouldn't be working. She only chooses to be in the spotlight to keep up her image and maintain her image as a star, that is why she is in crappy movies, that's why she is making/has made a crappy album, because she only wants to be a celebrity, or be on t.v. She thinks most of a America loves her when really as Morningsting says, they just want to see her mess up (I know I do) Do you really think she is a good role model? Do you think she really deserves to be famous? I don't, a porno tape...a selfish heiress...a slutty image...I can tell you that I wouldn't want my kids to be fan-crazed over someone like Paris Hilton, I'm assuming you're 14, so where are your parents to let you be exposed to such a demining pop-culture brat? This is exactly what society is dishing out for America, people in the mass media who are just, well...they represent the Hollywood (or Holy-wood to others) as being some big glamming, rich, high-life sorta lifestyle that everyone should be involved in. It is pretty shameful when you have someone like Vanessa who is working so hard to make it in places like there (i.e. the Music Biz) and then we have Paris who is probably handed a record contract so a record company can make money, tell me that there is something wrong with that. I don't think V would be to fond of Paris Hilton either, there are so many people who don't deserve to be famous, and people who do deserve are always getting last when it comes to Hollywood, or the music industry. I don't wanna be mean to you, I am sure you are a nice girl, but please, rethink your icons before you adopt them to represent yourself or this country, because I really don't want Paris to represent the country, when you tell me that you like Paris Hilton, it gives me the impression that you are an un-educated teenager who dresses unmodestly, and is most likely sucked into the petty pop-culture frenzy! (BTW, I don't ONLY hate her..) Anyways sorry for ranting!!!
Peace out.
And morningsting if I wanted to see people mess up in the spotlight, why would I be completely obsessed with an artist such as Vanessa?
Post. Signature.
Here is an example of Paris' sluttyness, I could've found worse pictures, but I was looking for a small one...
("Uhh...look at me, I'm such a slut...that's hot")
Who the hell copyrights a stupid catch-phrase like that?!
And look! Her nipple is about ready to pop out, and I bet she's not wearing any under-wear!!