Well, it was very exciting to watch Nessa show her house on cribs: Her old room was much gloomier- I guess she brightened the tone.
Anyway, Nessa showed a shark on Cribs and it gave me a burst of joy (and a litte bit of pain) to see it. It so happens, that I (yes me) gave her that shark.
It was a normal day, I walked into Nessa's house, said hi to her mom (asked her to make me a sandwich) and and waltzed right into her room. I asked (I remember it like yesterday):
"Do you like marine life?"
She simply replied, "Excuse me?"
"I bought you something special"
"Let me see," She opened it up and she saw a shark suspended in blue water, "What's this?"
"I always knew you wanted to be a marinebiologist, so I got you a shark!"
As I was forced to leave the apartment, the shark hit me from a window, I guess Nessa dropped it trying to play the killer shark game (one of her favorites with me, I don't know why she was the shark and I the helpless fish all the time).
I took the key of her apartment that I forged recently and placed it right back into her room, and like clockwork, she dropped it when I was walking below.
I arrived on one of her dates, as usual and pulled the shark out from my purse and placed it into her spaghetti, so she wouldn't forget it. Unfortunately, the marinara sauce splashed on her blouse and she escorted me out. She finally decided to keep the darn thing forever, I don't know why she was so attached to it, it was just a shark!
Well, I gotta go hit the hay, hope you enjoyed my memory.