Some people haven't developed their muscles to the point where they can do that kind of thing at the required speed.[/quote]
well, not long ago, i though i would never learn the song, [b/c the there were so many sixteenth and eighth notes mixed together, not to meniton that there were so far apart, considering my small, slender hands] but i know the entire song now, and i've even improvised some, b/c i don't know the exact notes; i'll have to go to to check out the notes on the more accurate transcribsion of 'A Thousand Miles' that someone cooked up. some of the notes i learned from her video.
but one day, i decided to learn that song that i printed out 9 months before, b/c i was determine to learn it, if it was the last thing i do. and one day i decided to learn it, and it just came to me, just like that, much to my suprise. i could learn it; it just wasn't time. and now, i love playing it so much, i play it over and over. and i have to say, you get quite a workout playing that song, b/c of all of it's fast notes. but i love it though, even though i have probably drove the janitors and other folks that come to the music building [b/c i don't have a piano at home] on a regular basis crazy.
even one of the janitors told me that i did great on the song, b/c she recognized it from the motion picture [that was released last summer] 'White Chicks', but didn't know who sang it, so i told her who did, since she didn't know who sang it, much less who Vanessa Carlton is [much to my embarassement.] but i was flattered and said 'thank you'.
but it only took me only a couple of weeks to learn the song, and it probably didn't take long, b/c i've heard it a zillion times over the past few years, and have wanted to play the song on piano for just as long, and i finally have! if you told me back in '02 that i would have, then i woulda thought you was crazy.