I converted my little sister, my sister who is 16. She listens to rap and r&b, and she always used to change the radio station whenever ATM would come on. She said she hated that kind of music, and she would always stay true to usher and eminem. But after harmonium came on, and I put most of the songs into a mix playlist on my computer that always plays, she listens to it. The other day, I found her listening to the exclusive Vanessa playlist. I said "HA!", and I started to dance around. She looked at me and said, "What's your problem?". I just danced my way into the kitchen and ate a celebratory ice cream sandwich.
P.S. My littlest sister, who is 7, loves Vanessa Carlton. I have taught her well from the start. She used to sing A Thousand Miles from her car seat when it used to be on the radio. She was so cute...Mixing all the words up. Hehe. :lol: